07/01/15 Nicholas Roerich

Be An Artisan of the Spirit for God!

The fiery Ascended Master Nicholas Roerich, a Messenger of Love and of the Culture of the Mother to the earth in his final embodiment as Nicholas Roerich, spoke with us today. “No matter what your calling in life, at some level you must be an artisan of the spirit for God. Whatever your talents, gifts, and graces, see how rendering your best self in selfless service and surrender to life, the very Beingness of God who lives and moves within you can be shared to greater numbers of souls upon this planet. And then you will leave a legacy of light for generations to come who may perceive that gift of your heart in what you create.”

He asked us all to “be emboldened to take new steps upon the summit heights.” For, “the culture of the mother is needed at all levels of society. . . . you must be the ones to create a new culture of love. And truly that culture must have as its core the understanding of fire, of the brightness of that eternal light that burns within every heart.”