07/02/28 Hilarion’s Emerald Healing Light Meditation

Bathing in Emerald Healing Light!

This morning we were asked by beloved Hilarion to meditate upon our third eye and the emerald band of our causal body with the band positioned around the level of our third eye. The emerald band oscillates in many dimensions and expands becoming the shape of an egg surrounding our entire form. Our bodies are being bathed in its light, cleansing and healing and re-establishing the emerald matrix of each and every cell. We see our chakras also being bathed in healing light.

We are asked to enter into an understanding as to the way Mother Mary’s healing retreat at Wellspring is to outpicture. It is suggested that our meditation upon the many healing thoughtforms and healing matrices that we have been given by the masters will facilitate in its creation.

To complete this teaching, a powerful and passionate prayer is offered for the physical healing of all servitors, partners and heartfriends—those whose names are listed in our prayer chalice and all family, friends, associates that we are able to name. We are asked to raise our hands and see emerald laser light emanating from our secret ray chakras to all whom we know who need healing, seeing cosmic vibrating emerald eggs going forth not only to surround but enter the bodies, the blood streams of all in need of physical healing. After this action, beloved Cyclopea gathers these healing eggs into a basket where they are sealed.

We extend our great gratitude to beloved Hilarion for his teaching and assistance in our healing this morning which we accept in total faith for ourselves and all heartfriends everywhere.

07/02/25 Lanello’s Ascension Service

Arise and receive the fire of the Holy Spirit! This day I give unto you a touch of Venus, a touch of my heart and the heart of Mother that you shall never forget, if you remember your own true heart one with God’s always. Be sealed in the fleur-de-lis of my magnamimous heart forever. Amen.”

These were the final words of Lanello today as the Meru University class “A Touch of Venus” concluded with a service in honor of Lanello’s Ascension Day, February 26th. Tom Miller was the instructor for the class and had created a wonderful musical and visual tribute to Lanello which was given in preparation for his dictation.

Prior to the tribute there were stories told about Mark Prophet. And as is always the case when these stories are told, a great love for this incomparable, ever-present Master welled up in all. As song #40.003 “I Have the Strength of Ten” was being sung, Celeste Miller recalled how Mark Prophet used to love to jump up and down on the podium. She knew he was loving the song and truly must be jumping up and down. Led by Maria Mins, the song’s composer, the song was sung again with great gusto, complete with beating of hearts and roooooaring with the refrain, “Magnanimous, my heart expands.”

In the invocation prior to the session, the Messenger David Lewis had asked for Lanello to enfire us with his love in order that we may use our resources wisely to be servant-leaders and shepherds of the people, guided by Divine Vision. He spoke to Lanello as the masterful man, the God man who exemplified leadership so well for all of us. He called for a double portion of Lanello’s mantle to be upon us.

The sails were thus set for tremendous assistance to come forth through his dictation today. The highlight for many was when Tom Miller was called to come forward. Referring to Tom’s music and visual artwork, he said, “What a glory to behold what can be created in this world by a heart attuned to love.” For his humility and striving, for his attentiveness to the Word and, most importantly, for his love, he was anointed as a Cosmic Servitor on behalf of the Great White Brotherhood in all time to come. He was charged with the light of God’s power, wisdom and love for the fulfillment of his mission and the victory of his lifestream in his final embodiment upon earth.

Here is a simple enumeration of other examples of the help extended to all:

“We light the torch anew and pass it tangibly to you, each one, if you would take it and run the good race with us.”

“Feel the firm grip of my handshake and my request of you to follow the star that we have set as the example before you, not as only messengers and teachers, but as true friends on whom you can rely---to whom you can call at any hour of the day or night. Think of this. Do you have friends, even now, who will come to your aid in the middle of the night when you are undergoing the duress of a nightmarish predicament? We are there instantly, beloved ones. And this we do gratefully because of heart ties to you.”

“The cyclings of God’s consciousness through my being, I now extend to you. And the radiance of the glow of the corona of your own heart I now amplify in greater measure this day, because you have decided to be globules of love for mankind.”

“There are initiations and there are initiations, and at times we come to accelerate the fire within your chakras, your aura and even within your higher bodies such that you will have the impetus to fulfill your greater mission on behalf of all life.”

Our newsflash will conclude with the words that were filled with the immeasureable tenderness of the Buddha-Father Lanello. “Oh, how the hush of the Mother’s love for her own is here once again, whispering to you her eternal longing for your return to her heart.”

07/02/21 How To Pass Your Spiritual Tests!

How to Pass Your Tests!

A lively discussion during the Rosary this morning on the topic of passing our tests gives us wonderful keys so that we may, by God's grace, pass every one:

1. Get to know the heart of our great Initiator, Lord Maitreya.

2. Be aware that there are pop quizzes as well as scheduled exams.

3. Be centered and in the flow.

4. Be discerning, wary and alert—spherical vision, peripheral awareness.

5. Know the cycles of our own karma through the study of cosmic astrology.

6. Ask Christ to be our Mediator so that we don’t misqualify God’s energy.

7. Act from our Real Self. Be in our Presence, in our heart not in the analysis of the mental mind.

8. Balance our threefold flame and balance and align our four lower bodies through spiritual practices including fasting and physical exercise.

9. Surrender to the will of God.

10. Guard the quantity and quality of our words and how we converse and interact with others, listening with the heart, allowing others to complete their thought without interruption.

11. Create and maintain as much as possible a harmonious, organized environment so that excess stress caused by too many demands upon one’s attention are minimized.

12. Cultivate an “Is that so?”consciousness which frees us from a human reaction to every situation. 13. Anticipate and expect the tests.

Be aware of what we, individually, require that helps us maintain our centeredness—quiet time, sufficient sleep, strenuous exercise.

14. Because the tests become more subtle as we progress, we must invoke the secret rays and practice the gift of discernment.

07/02/20 Lanello (Socratic Darshan)

The Science of Cosmic Consciousness

In a Socratic-style Darshan this morning, Beloved Lanello asked questions of us to test both our application and understanding of what has been released through the dictations of the masters. The two main questions today focused on the "new blue” and the keys to living in wholeness and unity versus duality.

The new blue is both a different coloration, and a different frequency that emanates from the Great Central Sun. Lanello asks that we understand the science of the frequency of light rays and colors. Through this understanding we can attune to what the emanation of this new blue energy means, and how it will affect the planet in the raising of the frequency of its evolutions. For, “If mankind cannot attune to these frequencies, then they cannot manifest fully the golden age consciousness and civilization.” We each have access to these frequencies, and to be everywhere in the Consciousness of God means that we fully employ and allow them to enter our consciousness.

Rather than being fearful or concerned as to when a golden age will manifest, we were asked to allow it to manifest in our own awareness, right where we are in the here and now, seeing our self one with our Solar Presence, manifesting, emanating and radiating our sun consciousness fully to all of life.

This same understanding of living in the awareness of Presence always, is also the key to living our lives in wholeness and unity. “Wherever there are problems among people, it is because they identify with their lower self and lose sight of the greater vision of the One, the oneness of hearts united for a holy purpose.”

We each are asked to become the teachings; to be self-absorbed in the God-self so that God can live through us and in us, so that where we walk, where we are the Golden Age is manifest.

07/02/18 Great Divine Director

The Great Divine Director releases
a seed of God-Power to the earth today!

The Great Divine Director, seeing the quality of our hearts and using the energies we have been invoking, wrapped us in an aspect of his cape of fire and gave us a belt of cosmic jewelry that we may wear for the victory of our final ascent in this life.

He noted that in our cascading vigils the light flows forth from our centers to impregnate the earth with the cosmic distillation of God-Power. He then proclaimed, “In this hour I release a seed of God-Power from my causal body creating a new pattern which the evolutions upon earth may tap into for their victory, blessed ones.” Noting that many cosmic beings and masters seed the earth with their love-wisdom, he told us that we could do the same as we attune to the cosmic fire-substance they bear and invoke their love and presence.

We must bring forth our gifts and use the resources the masters give to us as we tap into the creativity of our own causal bodies. In order for the Aquarian Age to manifest, we must have what the masters have released to us already, set forth in understandable packages, for the liberation of souls and laying the foundation for the education of spirituality for the children that are coming. He called this and the establishing of Meru Learning Centers a most crucial Labor of Hercules, for the bridging of the gap between what the Buddhas and bodhisattvas of wisdom desire to bring forth for future generations.

The Great Divine Director tells us we can walk and talk with the masters now! They can lower their vibration only as low as the etheric level. It is up to us to rise in consciousness to our own God-estate to attune and commune with them. Day by day, this should be our goal.

Attune to this blue-flame power that I bring and know the essential protection that we offer, moment by moment, blessed ones…This is my message of today: I empower you once again as sons and daughters of God in your own right….to be who you are as God-free beings….I see you shining, shining, shining in the new blue fire of Morya and of the God Star and I say “I am grateful for you, blessed ones. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

07/02/18 El Morya

El Morya’s Call to Spiritual Arms
for America and the World

A Forty-day Vigil for Cosmic Freedom

El Morya came this morning during the rosary in Stelle, Illinois.

Standing “in full battle gear” in the heartland of America and in Washington, D.C., he announced that he had come on behalf of the Saint Germain. He invoked thousands of legions of angels from the heart of the Great Central Sun to defend this nation.

He said the American people have spoken and he comes in answer to their cries for and on behalf of their sons and daughters who have been put in harm’s way. The only way out of the current dilemna is through the eye of the will of God, he said, adding that the eye of that will must blaze forth from each of us with a greater intensity and focus. When that will is manifest through our vision, rising from our voice to bring forth the action of cosmic vision, then the hosts of the Lord may act.

The Congress and the President have not given the American people a clear vision of a way out, so El Morya is here to show a way out, which is through prayer and the intensity of his fire, which may be our own if we so desire. He said we had called forth his fire and he was honoring our requests by giving us his fire.

The American people must come to know this way of “prayer and supplication to the All-seeing Eye and the One God” so that their deliverance may come from the hosts of the Lord. He called for a forty-day vigil starting today and asked that we call during this vigil to the will of God and Cyclopea for the exposure of what is occurring at all levels and planes of consciousness within the governments and nations of the world. He said we should “call forth that cosmic vision to give a new spin, a cosmic spin of cosmic fire unto the vision for this nation and her people.”

El Morya warned our government’s leaders that they must work together as one and not shirk their responsibility to the people they represent. He called to all lightbearers to take up spiritual arms with him every evening if we can and pray without ceasing, giving fiats and calls throughout the day.

Our beloved El Morya leads us in battle this day and every day unto the victory!

07/02/12 Fourteen Ascended Masters who Govern the Destiny of America

“Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union.” (From The Prophetic Vision of George Washington)

Be for America the Voice of Freedom

The Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America chose today, the birthday of one of the greatest Presidents of the United States Abraham Lincoln, to warn us that we are living in a time of danger, and yet “you have access to all that you need in terms of spiritual resources and of the physical aspects of life to secure your world and the state of your nation in a ring of fire of protection, if you choose to do so.”

These Fourteen Ascended Masters stood in a “ring of fire around the nation’s capitol and all focuses of light through which and in which the ascended masters through all of their dictations and in all true dispensations have anchored light.” Through their presence these masters are energizing and activating “the impulse of freedom and of the God-responsibility of the leaders of this land to come into conformity with . . . the will of God.”

Each day we need to pray fervently for the intercession of the ascended hosts for the securing of freedom nation by nation. We also need to daily call forth the dispensations given in Washington D.C. by Saint Germain and El Morya for the protection of America, visualizing the hosts of the lord occupying and guarding this soil from forces that would assail the light here. Each one needs to read the vision of George Washington and understand that each of us is a player “in this hour of fulfilling a prophecy. . . .This is no longer an experiment, but a reality that many of you have sacrificed for in great measure in this life and past lifetimes. . .”

All were admonished to wake up, for “the destiny of this nation rests upon the Lightbearers. Stand forth and declare victory at all levels.” We were then sealed in the love fires of freedom and given the final directive to “occupy till God comes fully where you are and be for America the voice of freedom.”

07/02/11 Gautama

Lord Gautama comes to tell his students: Go Be for All the Buddha, the Light, the Lamp. Emanate! Radiate! Fulfill Your Reason for Being!

* * * Gautama came to give us entrée to his heart in this hour. He spoke of the blessing for the entire planet from the coming of Sanat Kumara, his mentor with Lady Venus, to Scandanavia. He said he was still almost reeling in the thrill of their magnificence and their great love for humanity.

* * * The gift that Gautama brought to us today was an acceleration of the crystal jewel, a diadem of fire that is placed in a band of the memory body when one chooses to descend to earth for the saving of sentient beings. It is given as a token, a reminder of the point of God Reality from whence that one has come. From this point of the God Ideal, now accelerated within the mind and memory body, great quantities of fire may be drawn. For this crystal is a capsulation of the jewels of all the buddhas and bodhisattvas compressed into a seed of cosmic fire within.

* * * He asked us to think on being on earth but not of the earth, vibrating slightly above the physical plane, retaining the cosmic remembrance of being. There is a quickening in the minds of many of the remembrance of this path. We have access to much of the pathway of light home. There are many roads, yet the one path within is lighted by the cosmic fire of heaven of each one who has become a sun presence for the earth.

* * * Precious Gautama’s final act today: “I emanate now within all mankind the light of cosmic reason, each one’s reason for being here. The essential nature, the Buddha nature is now fully ensconced within that one. Go be for all the Buddha, the light, the lamp. Emanate! Radiate! Fulfill your reason for being! Om. Om. Om.



07/02/09 Nameless One from out the Great Silence

Only in Complete Givingness Can the All of God be Yours

***The Nameless One from out the Great Silence comes today to allow us to access the heart of God through simplicity and kindness. He praises Ekhart Tolle’s teaching, read during the morning rosary, regarding the holding of the vision for ourselves of being the conduit of God’s energy blessing all at all times. To hold this measure of light energy within our auras requires the discipline of daily engaging in times of silence and devotion.

***Today, for those who have surrendered the last vestiges of self, God gives his very Self. Only as we enter into “the sacred space of perfectionment” in the heart of the One, may we have access to all power, wisdom and love within that heart. The Nameless One tells us to strive after that which the Lord does bestow because our every thought, word and deed is to please the One, the All in All. He wants us to know that he has remained nameless because he sought no fame or glory or honor. And yet, his spirit abides within the very heart of the One within All because he has become that All through stillness.

***When we live in honor, one with God’s manifestation, then integrity becomes our identity. There is no duality when we are aligned with holy purpose, for we are at the center of being at all times. This is the cosmic equipoise that the masters and heavenly beings experience always. And we can know it as well through this completeness in his Presence where “all is clear, all is real, all is light.” He seals us in crystal for our victory which is happening now.

07/02/05 Saint Germain

Practice Alchemy Daily

* * * "But it is time now, my friends, when greater numbers among mankind must begin to apply the sacred sciences of alchemy. Therefore, I have dictated through this messenger a number of messages on advanced alchemy. And my desire is that a publication will be prepared within the next seven months of this sacred science. I call this evening for a commission of seven souls to be established to make this publication a reality in the physical. A few among you already have your assignments, and yet because of other priorities you have not yet fulfilled those assignments in the original timetable that I gave to this messenger. Therefore, more among you must come forth to make this a reality in the physical plane.

* * * "For I say that when this sacred science is brought unto mankind in the current vernacular with illustrations and with the most modern understanding of physics and the higher sciences made plain for the common reader, then many more will be able take up what you have taken for granted somewhat, blessed ones, in your knowledge and use of the violet transmuting flame. This one principle, when applied, will change this planet. This one gift from the Holy Spirit as the seventh-ray action of light will transform all."

* * * Saint Germain spoke these words in Washington D.C., on January 27. If you desire to be part of this 7-member commission to assist the master in precipitating this publication, please send an email by February 12 to jhaugen@heartscenter.org with the following information:
. . . . . what aspect of helping in this publication you desire to perform
. . . . . your credentials and background relevant to this publication
. . . . . what you will give in terms of time and energy and substance to make it happen

* * * Thank you so much for your love of Saint Germain, and your desire to serve in ways great and small. This is a very exciting publication, and together we can make it a reality.

Send comments about and articles for our newsletter and requests to volunteer on any of The Hearts Center teams to hearts.center@gmail.com.

07/02/04 Snow King & Queen

A Crystal Star-Fire Blanket of Loveliness Graces the Earth,

the Pure White Salve of Heaven

* * * The Snow King and Snow Queen came to Sweden early this morning “…in the Presence of Cosmic Devas from out the Great Central Sun.” The essential light of their radiant blessing was given almost as a fairy god mother comes to sprinkle sparkling light upon you. The single, unique flake of snow is an expression of the Godhead; its pure fresh newness reminds us that we can renew ourselves each day. Angels and sylphs are ever-present with the descent of the grace that we know as snow. Sometimes they rush almost violently to deliver the water element to earth, bringing precisely what is needed “…as a message for learning life’s blessings.”

* * * Today they brought forth light’s shining radiance to Scandanavia, adjusting cycles of nature’s movement in a greater action of their love – not only as snow but also as a spiritual boon for the raising of self-awareness on the path home to God. As the earth spins around the sun, the Snow Queen and King work to consume what can be consumed, capturing the misqualified essences and returning them to earth thru elemental life. This is their blessing and service to life.

* * * They also spoke of the essential mother light of purity’s fire rising on the spinal altar and preparing us for our ascent. As we honor and accelerate this mother light through our devotion, constancy and love, we experience the essential nature of our Godhood, and it produces a new glow in our faces. As we keep on keeping on, we become vessels of beauty and holiness, truly bearers of light for Sanat Kumara.

* * * As these pure and holy beings concluded their message this morning, they asked us to be aware of purity within and to keep our lamps trimmed with our Oneness with our God. The radiant blessing that they brought to earth in this hour was for the casting off of all impurity and sense of unworthiness. We were asked to receive this blessing as a a pure white salve of heaven for our protection and for our sealing in our ascension in the light. And then in a simple, humble prayer, they asked, “O Alpha and Omega use us as we bless your children this day.” A blessing with oil was then given through the Messenger to those in attendance.

07/02/03 Saint Germain, Sanat Kumara & Lady Venus Sweden

Leaving Trails of Love Fires upon the Snows of Scandinavia

* * * I am Saint Germain and I am pleased with the word that has been sent forth through your hearts, voice and chakras unto this land and al lands within this continent of Europe! In joy and gratitude and enthusiasm, Saint Germain applauded each one for their fiery determination in sending out violet flame and other prayers for all of Europe this evening in Sweden. Saint Germain gave the vision of how much was accomplished by elementals and angels and ascended masters in response to this vigil, and asked all to perform this same alchemy of the heart regularly, saying “this is truly what I envisioned when I released the dispensation of the violet fire through Godfre over 70 years ago.”

* * * Saint Germain will remain with “those who are true to God day-by day, here in Scandinavia”, and he will walk across the soil, calling hearts unto their God for a 70 day period. During this period, he asked that many continue to gather as often as they desire to see “what we can do for Scandinavia and all of Europe. For we will deliver the light from the North across all of the European continent, showering down into each hamlet, home and hearth the light of the violet fire for the transmutation of all that is less than God-perfection, and for the alchemy of the spirit to change a world from one of human struggle to one of divine [embrace].”

* * * Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus came with tangible love for each one this evening, in a dispensation for the merging for one hour with the heart of each one’s twin flame as a remembrance of “your hearts love for the beloved in the beginning of how you were sent forth from the heart of the Father-Mother God to evolve, to experience life and then to eventually once more merge as one in to the Heart of God.” Many friends from Venus and twin flame then stood in a circle of fire around the home all of Europe “blazing forth light rays of pink and ruby fire for the transmutation of all that is anti-love within the hearts and minds of men and women.”

* * * They fanned the flame within our hearts more brightly, with the admonition that “if you can sustain it, it will be a permanent increase in your three-fold flame. . .this will mean. . .greater access to the love fires of heaven. . .for some give you the edge towards your victory that is needed in the coming months and years.”

* * * All were given a tiny pink and ruby ribbon tied around their index finger as a remembrance of our vows, of our calling, of our oneness and of our purpose to be Sons and Daughters of the Most High God.

07/02/03 Beloved Jesus Soderhamn, Sweden

Jesus Raises his Staff of Fire--
Calling unto the Souls of Scandinavia to Rise unto their God Estate this Day

* * * Bringing “a new way in which to walk with me”, Beloved Jesus came not only in the Christ flame, but also within the sacred fire of the eternal spirit of the Buddha light. Through his guru, Lord Maitreya, Jesus was able to convey to his disciples and followers the essential light of the teaching that Lord Maitreya gave him during that incarnation, and even today, of “the higher walk with God that every Buddha of the Spirit represents and manifests”.

* * * Jesus took each of us by the hand to lead us on a journey of light, soaring on the wings of angels and ascending to the Holy City. “When you dwell in God consciousness, you have access to the light of the Holy City. . . This light is the Christ consciousness ever available as that highest representation of divine manhood and womanhood upon earth. When you fully embrace the Christ spirit within your outer waking consciousness, then all of heaven bows to that light that you have become. . .” Walking through the Holy City with Jesus we were made aware of the celestial choirs, of the enfiring our hearts as we attuned to the Christ spirit manifest as a golden age through every avenue, in every home and in every heart in this Holy City. “There are truly many Christs within the Holy City, those who have chosen the higher walk with God long ago, even before my physical incarnation upon earth.” Jesus commented on the halo of fire surrounding each of them, symbolizing their attainment of their divine nature in full manifestation.

* * * Jesus pointed out the ascended being that incarnated as Emanuel Swedenborg, saying that this soul works tirelessly on behalf of the people of Scandinavia. By dispensation and through grace, this soul gave a great gift today to those who have been born within the nations of Scandinavia or who have resided there—a tome with the keys to overcoming and balancing certain propensities and obligations, as well as the inner understanding for accelerating and fulfilling their karma and dharma unto their own ascension.