07/02/05 Saint Germain

Practice Alchemy Daily

* * * "But it is time now, my friends, when greater numbers among mankind must begin to apply the sacred sciences of alchemy. Therefore, I have dictated through this messenger a number of messages on advanced alchemy. And my desire is that a publication will be prepared within the next seven months of this sacred science. I call this evening for a commission of seven souls to be established to make this publication a reality in the physical. A few among you already have your assignments, and yet because of other priorities you have not yet fulfilled those assignments in the original timetable that I gave to this messenger. Therefore, more among you must come forth to make this a reality in the physical plane.

* * * "For I say that when this sacred science is brought unto mankind in the current vernacular with illustrations and with the most modern understanding of physics and the higher sciences made plain for the common reader, then many more will be able take up what you have taken for granted somewhat, blessed ones, in your knowledge and use of the violet transmuting flame. This one principle, when applied, will change this planet. This one gift from the Holy Spirit as the seventh-ray action of light will transform all."

* * * Saint Germain spoke these words in Washington D.C., on January 27. If you desire to be part of this 7-member commission to assist the master in precipitating this publication, please send an email by February 12 to jhaugen@heartscenter.org with the following information:
. . . . . what aspect of helping in this publication you desire to perform
. . . . . your credentials and background relevant to this publication
. . . . . what you will give in terms of time and energy and substance to make it happen

* * * Thank you so much for your love of Saint Germain, and your desire to serve in ways great and small. This is a very exciting publication, and together we can make it a reality.

Send comments about and articles for our newsletter and requests to volunteer on any of The Hearts Center teams to hearts.center@gmail.com.