07/05/31 Virginia

All is Coming to Light! I Am the Light of the World!

Beloved Virginia (Elohim of the Fifth Ray with her divine complement Cyclopea), spoke to us this morning in what she called a "simple message": Come to the light and be the light!

Virginia gives us the new fiat "All is coming to light!" because, she said, "the hidden things of God are being revealed just as the hidden things within you are also coming to light." Virginia reminds us there is no hiding from the light, "because the light is God, and God loves you!" Therefore, when we are given daily the Sun Presence of Helios and our own God Presence, she tells us to "receive the light, walk in the light and be the light!"

In preparation for the coming of Alpha during the July Freedom Conference, Virginia asks that we practice the sacred science of emanation, "but first you must understand that you are the light!" We must also understand the nature of light and that the light is where we are. When we allow this to be so, then "ever and always. . .each one will receive the light emanating from you in its full intensity as they are capable of receiving it." Just as Jesus said "I am the light of the world," we are asked to daily say this with him as we also walk in the light and choose to be that light.

Virginia tells us that when we are the light of the world, "you will always be comfortable in the light and we [the Elohim] can turn up that light day by day for the ultimate fulfillment of what that light's work within you will be."

07/05/29 El Morya

A Warning and an Impetus of Fire from the Heart of El Morya

Beloved El Morya came this morning with a "plea for those who can do something about the situation" within our nation and government of the United States. That "something" is to be "anchor points for the light of Sirius and for God-government in the Earth," first by governing our own energies and the flow of sacred fire through our chakras and by being willing to be in the heart of the will of God. Then we may become spokespersons for the brotherhood not only in the physical but at all levels of being. "What does this mean to be a spokesperson, blessed ones? It means to be the very voice of truth where you are and where you stand. When truth, as an aspect of the will, does go forth through your voice, through your mind and through a willing action to be that which God is in manifestation, then the Lord himself comes unto you and uses you in a very directed way toward the fulfillment of holy purpose in many arenas."

Before Change May Occur at the Core Levels of Society, Change Must Occur Within You

El Morya said, "God-government must first be within the self. "When you have the blueprint of self manifesting through your conscious awareness in your life, then and only then can you expect God-government to reign at all quarters in your society. For that which you require of others, even within the national government, you must first be the power point for the light of Sirius to be anchored within the self."

El Morya explained that the purpose of the decree I AM the One is so that each one of us, as we stand in El Morya's aura and fire could "receive the full empowerment and the divine resources" to be able to deliver to the world our own "beingness as God-created ones."

Lay the Foundation through Sacrifice, Harmony and Unity so that
Together We May Be There for the Coming of Alpha to the Earth

Regarding the summer conference he said that we have "less than three fortnights to fully lay the foundation for the coming of the Great Lord to this earth." He asked what each one of us would sacrifice and lay on the altar, in order that beloved Alpha may come and blaze his great light to our earth and galaxy "to sustain the point of contact with the Sun behind the sun of the first cause." We are each asked "to take stock of all that transpires in your world on a daily basis, how you use your time, your energies, and the frequencies from your presence sent forth through your crystal cord unto you. Garner the energies of the spirit within the focal points of your chakras and use the energy that you receive daily, wisely through right choice, through right action, through right communication and through a path of wholeness in joy within the will of God."

Beloved El Morya reminded us of the importance of harmony and unity in our Hearts' centers for the coming of Alpha. "For those of you who know of his appearance the responsibility is greater for the focalization of the New Blue energies from the heart of God in a way that befits the coming of this great one to the Earth."

Enter into a Self-Assessment before the Hour of Summer Solstice

"Therefore enter into a self-assessment before the hour of summer solstice (June 21), for even now blessed ones, the initiations of personal and planetary God-government are being released in spirals and cycles, and lest you trip and fall when entering into these tests of the spirit, I come this day to give you both a warning and an impetus of fire from my heart and from the will of God that I focus through the crystal of my diamond heart unto each one of you, for the victory of your soul, your spirit and your path.

"I AM El Morya. I am ever present with those who are determined that this dispensation shall succeed in all ways by right effort, by focus and by love of the will of God. I thank you for your energies, your determination and your spirit of victory. Bless you, O hearts of fire for being there for me so that together we may be there for Alpha. Invictus, forward in victory!"

07/05/28 Mother Mary

You Too Can Lay Down your Life Again and Again in the Fullness of the Spirit Which Lives Within You

This morning we heard a beautiful dictation that Mother Mary had given on Memorial Day, May 30, 2005. David Lewis read it to us in the spirit in which he had received it as a written dictation on that day. “Your day of remembering those who have laid down their lives on behalf of others is a most poignant one, and so I take this opportunity to address you in this regard.” In reference to her son’s great sacrifice on our behalf, she tells us that we do not need to lay down our life, physically, but that those who have learned the art of surrender of the lesser self in order to abide within the greater light of God’s reality have always been blessed thereby. “For in the giving process, the giver is always spiritually recompensed more than the one to whom the proffered gift is given. And the gifts and graces that you earn are those spiritual boons whereby you become a greater chalice for the heavenly fire to descend and to resonate within your being, all for a holy purpose….. As you, too, choose to make right choices, you are setting a strong example for your progeny, your community and for all lightbearers, that the victory can be won through a daily offering of one's self on the altar of ruby love.”

Continuing, Mary says, “Remembering the great sacrifices of those who have gone before us is necessary to propel us forward toward a greater surrender ourselves. For when we see the great examples of supreme selflessness wherein some have literally been crucified in the flesh for others' sake, you see the same outflow of spiritual radiation that is both the judgment of those who would destroy God in manifestation and the setting forth of a physical record of that sacrifice whereby elemental and angelic beings take note and draw forth a floral remembrance in the etheric plane so that that love is made a permanent record in akasha for all to know and feel at a soul level.”

“So, do not underestimate the power and the glory that will come through your personal delivery to the world of a holy and sacred offering of your life and service on the altar of humanity, beloved ones. Each heart-felt prayer that you utter, each rosary that you give with full loving intent, each act of charity and compassion, is recorded by angels of mercy who will write upon not only the akashic records but upon the auric emanation of your causal body of light, the fullness of each gift from your soul.”

Tenderly, Mother Mary shares her love for us: “I love you with a personal love that can be your boon to inspire you to keep striving and working daily to become a handmaid of the Lord in your own right. Won't you give with me today that sacred prayer that I offered when beloved Gabriel appeared to me to announce the imminent birth of beloved Jesus? For when you know that God is magnifying your soul daily, you shall have that spiritual impetus that you need to win all the way home and to give the supreme gift of self so that others may also win.” Following the dictation we did give the prayer, The Magnificat, together, with our beloved Mother Mary.

07/05/27 Maha Chohan Pentecost

Come Fly with Me Today!

The beloved Maha Chohan commands the angels of the Holy Spirit to create a cosmic Mercaba around each of us. Crystal patterns are embedded within our auras, and we are told to enter the raising of the sacred fire within us. Our chakras spin and we rise. We are taken on a journey with the Holy Spirit by the Maha Chohan to the Crystal Cities in the etheric. His purpose is to allow us to see ascended beings who inhabit these Crystal Cities working with the higher frequencies in order to assist the earth. They create opportunity for mankind because of their full awareness of the living, liquid crystal light in which they live and move. This atmosphere of vibrant and moving crystalline substance is the “very heartstream of God”, the Maha Chohan explains.

A cosmic crossroad. Many of us are coming to a point in our evolution where we must decide to be or not to be that light. The Maha Chohan asks, “Will you be all that you are even now in God’s eyes?” And he alerts us that even if we may answer without hesitation, yes, the proof will be our desire, our will to emanate and concentrate daily upon the consciousness of God.

Enter Reality and fly! The Maha Chohan reveals that seeing and living in Reality is still illusive to most on earth. If we will let go of all that has clouded our crystal vision, then we will begin to understand Reality, our higher nature and the ability to fly with the Maha Chohan. The Holy Spirit moves wherever it desires. It is purposely unpredictable, constantly surprising us, shaking us out of our comfortability and rigidity. Where the Maha Chohan moves, where he comes and goes, only the Lord of Light knows. And we will know his comings and goings within us when we are attuned to Reality.

Always, love is the key and the way, he says in closing. When we lead with love, we are the instrument of the Maha Chohan. As his benediction, we experience his holy fire breath upon us in loving whispers, “Parusha! Parusha! Parusha!”

Teachings from the Maha Chohan on This Day of Pentecost

1. The “living, liquid crystal diamond of light” is the Holy Spirit.
2. All masters and teachers who ever walked the earth have been filled with the Holy Spirit.
3. The knowledge of these higher crystalline frequencies or energy patterns were Upper Room teachings given by Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
4. When we access these frequencies, our prayers and calls take on power—no longer are they the mere uttering of words.
5. When we are in harmony with one another in this holy atmosphere, great cosmic energies may enter the earth through our oneness—this is the“being in one place and in one accord”.
6. This new laser action of light can dissolve the greatest density on earth. In the twinkling of an eye, transformation can occur.
7. What is this twinkling? It is the attunement allowing us to be at the “nexus of cosmic change”—a cosmic consciousness which precipitates change instantaneously.
8. Cosmic consciousness happens when we believe that it is doable.
9. Allow your crystal cord to stream with this liquid light and anchor these frequencies in our world.
10. Before we may expect the conversion of others, we must have the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. No conversion occurs without it.
11. When Jesus taught about “turning the other cheek”, this act, in reality, is the “turning”, or changing by the power of transmutation, of the negativity directed toward us from others into light. We accept the energy, transmute the overlay of negativity and return it to the source as God’s pure love.
12. See the Holy Spirit as a ray of light, an energy field, allowing for divine inspiration to speak, pray and sing through you. It is the voice of God.
13. We may refer to the Holy Spirit simply as “Love” and commune in this manner: “Oh, Love, be where I am.” “Oh, Love, thank you for the beauty of nature.”
14. The Hearts Center is a movement of the Holy Spirit, an activity of the Holy Spirit.
15. Every day of our lives can be a walk with the exciting and dynamic Presence of the Holy Spirit.

07/05/21 Lord Shiva

Be Shiva!

Blazing in sacred fire, Lord Shiva comes this morning to bring a new-found fire to clear the planet and her people of nihilism, self defeat and elements of the death consciousness! This will greatly assist us in manifesting the “greater works” that Jesus spoke of, for “how do you expect to do those works unless you have the Holy Spirit, unless you have Shiva continuously dancing within you….spinning your chakras?”

Shiva asks us to dance with our children each day and “stamp upon those elements and aspects of your former self that are outmoded and no longer mean anything to the God Self of yourself, blessed ones.” While everyone experiences the doldrums at times, to deal with it “is a very simple equation: you no longer engage in this aspect of your lower nature but accept Shiva within you. For Shiva is determined that at all times and all places to blaze forth the light of the Spirit most holy within you if you will simply allow and accept this vibration, this supernal consciousness to be where you are…..to dance where you are.”

Allow the energies of God to move through you.

When sitting in a stationery position at all times, the forces of darkness seek you out and move around you, explains Shiva. He asks us to become more like little children, in whom movement is the law of being, and seek ways and means “to bring the very elements of waltz and dance and hopping and circular ambulation into your sacred center and your sacred service to life.”

Serving others is another aspect of Shiva

“Do something to serve life in a very practical mean, for it is only in this way that you will discover the movement of the forces of light within you…whereby the earth is raised. And the destroyer, as another aspect of myself, comes to destroy the elements of darkness even within those whom you serve through the extension of your heart, head and hand unto them.”

Shiva claims us in the West as his own and asks us to sing with him and dance with him daily, if even for only 10 seconds, jumping up and down and declaring that you are Shiva. We did this with him in a rousing session of affirming “I am Shiva!” after which he claimed that he felt renewed by the renewal of the sacred fire that he felt flowing through us! “And the earth, turning upon her axis, will never be the same for Shiva is everywhere upon earth this day, every day. Shiva! Shiva! Shiva!”

07/05/14 Godfre & Lotus

Be the Builders for a New Solar Civilization!

Godfre and Lotus come today, the last day of the vigil, to add their momentum to the stripping action of the light that has taken place in the fiery sessions of Astrea decrees during these past 21 days. When a planet comes into conformity with what God envisions, the momentum of godly energies that can be invoked and manifested are tremendous.

“You have seen what students of I Am activity have accomplished in the way of safeguarding the freedoms of this nation in times of peril. In this hour, at a certain level, there is even greater peril to the evolutions of this nation and every nation…there is a very subtle force that has made inroads into the very foundations of society, in the education, in the government, in the economy, in healthcare such that if these trends continue those who have no good in their hearts would work toward the very subjugation of your soul for their purposes. Thus we enter the scene through our chelas. New solar civilizations …will come to be because you have built them in your own consciousness of acceptance of these love-wisdom fires of a new civilization. Thus, you are the builders. You are those who are setting forth the word, which when empowered by the totality of the I Am That I Am which you truly are, then we may manifest tangibly in your world”

You are only limited by your consciousness, by what you can see and then make real…

Godfre admonishes us to be obedient to the laws of love, wisdom, and power within in order for vision to flow, in order for God to empower our words and works with the reality we seek. “Look deep within to see where you may have gotten off the path of oneness with your Solar God Presence. Seek ways and means in your life to set the sail in your schedule, in your daily work so you can take full accounting of what must be changed….reestablish the course, consciously, within your life. If you’re not happy with your work, do something about it. Do not blame someone else in society for what you have not manifested in your world. You are only limited by your consciousness, by what you can see and then make real by taking action, action, action!”

Determine to be at the Freedom Conference for the coming of Alpha!

Just as in the I Am activity, where the summer conclaves were essential for the holding of the balance for America and the earth, we are shown the great importance of this event. “If you would safeguard this nation with us, then make the call, give the fiat, roar with Lanello, and be for El Morya shock troops that will conquer all dakness that has inveigled itself within this nation….Go forth now and slay the goliath of the nephilim gods.”

Take to heart the words of the master alchemist in loving yourself as you love God. “For only when you know yourself as God will you truly love yourself as God loves you, blessed ones. This is my message this day. I hurl the challenge unto you and your soul to come up higher where we are now.”

07/05/12 Saint Germain

“I weave a coil of sacred fire from the heart chakra of America expanding it out now in concentric rings of fire all across America into the hearts and homes of all lightbearers.”

Saint Germain announces himself as being available and ready, truly at our beck and call for self-transformation. He comments on the ancient wisdom that was heard in the form of quips from the continent of Africa as being from those who understood nature’s God, as they did attune to the very heart of the I AM Spirit that permeates all nature and all life.

Those who are sensitive will receive Saint Germain’s cosmic fire. And through attunement with the very heart of God, we may know something of the higher order, the use of the violet laser light, and accelerated frequencies that come unto those who have employed judiciously the violet flame in their invocations and prayers. A highly concentrated action, once mastered, will gain great inroads through divine alchemy with the ability to precipitate almost instantly that which has been desired to set life free.

Saint Germain states that he will sponsor the establishment of a Hearts Center in Houston and asks that at least 22 Hearts Centers in the Western Hemisphere come forth. "Then we will begin to move heaven and earth and blaze that violet fire light and that laser action through the entire planetary body for the freedom of every man, women and child."

He asks us to stand and declare as a son or a daughter of God our just inheritance to fulfill our reason for being here upon earth, and to repeat after him:
“I, (state your name), do declare to the entire universe that I, as a just heir with Saint Germain, Jesus and Mary, will fulfill my reason for being by being an anchor point of the flame of God-freedom to the earth, by the giving liberally of the violet laser light in my prayers and through a focused action of visualization and cosmic concentration. I will fulfill that which the lord God sent me to this earth to do. So help me God, I AM THAT I AM. Amen.”

“I am Saint Germain, I have come and I anchor a rod of freedom both within this very home, within the center of Houston and within the center of the great state of Texas.” With this huge outpouring of Light, Saint Germain thanks those for being here and for being the One sent to fulfill all that is possible and do-able, and because we are One with the light of God-freedom!

07/05/12 El Morya

A Mother’s Day Weekend in Houston with the Messenger David C. Lewis
"A Floral bouquet from Heaven to Hearts Afire for God!"

A beautiful and intimate event is taking place in Houston, Texas this weekend. For those not physically able to be in Houston, the entire event is being broadcast over the internet. This morning begins with the Rosary of Faith and continues throughout the day with an afternoon darshan with Mother Mary and a prayer service and dictation from beloved Saint Germain this evening. Tomorrow morning’s rosary service will include dictations from both Mother Mary and Jesus and will conclude in the afternoon with a dictation sealing the weekend. You can view more details of this weekend’s program by clicking on the "Event" button on the top, left side of this webpage.

Please note that beginning at 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. MDT there will be broadcast on Channel 2 a fiery clearance for Europe led by heartfriends in Sweden. All are invited to join them. You can then switch over to Channel 1 to participate again with the event in Houston.

Attaining Your Permanent Fix Within God’s Will!

Last night’s session was a message of comfort and illumination from beloved El Morya, addressing many of the concerns of long-time students and students new to the ascended masters, with the desire to give them each one “something of an understanding of truth for the benevolence of your soul.” El Morya explained that the ascended masters are about the business of “higher education, and that not only for the betterment of the human condition, but so that the divine light may be experienced by all who seek it’s radiance to be where they are.”

Of great concern to El Morya, is that all know that above most of us there glows a most beautiful manifestation of our own God-self that has the ability to be a never-ending source of spiritual nourishment and upliftment. “Yet most of mankind, believing that they are separate from God’s being, have never fully accessed the eternal rays of light that constantly flow unto them in both an impersonal and personal way, because they have lost touch with their God-source through all manner of human manifestations of the shadow self.”

And, this is why El Morya came last night, “to clear the way for the full-realization within you of the highest elements of your Godhood, and this by focusing the laser action of the first ray into and around each of your chakras and throughout your aura to highlight what which is still of the light within you.”

When we have accepted our divine estate and begin to “more fully resonate with your God-reality, then through that realignment with holy purpose, the flow of all good things into your world will be stepped up until you can scarcely receive the cornucopia of light that the Lord would deliver to you.”

El Morya, standing in the first ray of the dawning of divine joy within us, ended his dictation, with words of love “I am here for you always . . .”

07/05/10 Master Omraam

The Sacred Process of Living in the Now

By dispensation of the Solar Lords, Master Omraam radiated his Presence in the earth this morning. He emanated the “essential light of the Sun” into the very darkest recesses of our being for the “highlighting of all that is real, but also for the transmutation of that which you have allowed to be within you, the shadow of darkness.” Omraam addressed our current 21-day vigil to Astrea, telling us that as we participate in our services and partake of the ritual of calling to the Elohim Astrea and Purity, “there can be the transmutation of great levels of ancient karma and darkness, and that is what we [the ascended masters] are seeing from our vantage point occurring in these sessions.”
We are reminded that the action of our prayers truly accelerates the currents of the solar light within us, within not only our four-lower bodies, but within all seven bodies, building a greater corona of light within our auras and within our causal bodies.

Walk Ye in the Light!

Omraam increased a “certain coronal radiance within the outer layers of your auras for the strengthening of your resolve to once and for all manifest your Christhood, your Solar Presence always.” We are reminded that doing this is a matter of making the decision moment by moment “to truly be that light in all ways, where you walk, where you work, where you live. . . .For you are the light of the world when you choose to be that light fully.”

Prepare for the Coming of Alpha

As we prepare for the coming of Alpha during this summer’s July conference, we can begin to see around the earth itself, as many ascended masters also prepare for his coming and his message of hope to a world, the beginnings of the emanations of his great heart. “Thus I remind each of you to consider making ready within your own personal life and within the context of your mission for the coming of the very God of gods to this solar system and sector of the universe. That day will be a holy day for the earth and her evolutions, July 5, 2007; and, for those who desire the full empowerment that Alpha will deliver, be there!”

Ritual of the Morning Gazing at the Sun

To day by day manifest more of the solar emanations, Omraam suggests that we each partake of the ritual of the morning gazing at the sun that he promoted “in a careful and guarded way, such that the full radiance of that solar light may enter your being through the Alpha/Omega orifices of your eyes whereby you will be supercharged with that cosmic radiance for your day’s work, for your day’s service to life.”

07/05/09 Tax Exempt Status

The Hearts Centers Tax-Exempt Status is Official!

Yesterday afternoon, May 8th, we received official word from our lawyer, that The Hearts Center was recognized by the IRS as a designated tax-exempt, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. We sought this designation to assure our members and contributors that their donations to The Hearts Center are tax-deductible.
Thank you everyone for your ongoing support of The Hearts Center over the past two years—your donations, your gifts of service and your love. And a special thank you to the council members for your countless hours of work and focus to make this designation a reality.

We are grateful! It is done!

07/05/09 K-17

K-17 Wraps Us in His Cloak and Goads Us to Rise into Our Mastery!

K-17 comes to add his encouragement, his momentum of spiritual fire to the new impetus we are now experiencing since Lanello’s coming yesterday. He explains that the ascended masters “build upon each other’s release of cosmic radiance” and wants us to understand that the Great White Brotherhood is truly one Spirit, every ascended master a part of this “sacred confraternity”. This glorious Brotherhood has “always moved within the secret spheres of the higher worlds to accomplish feats of God-magnificence and of lasting joy in serving the more noble needs of mankind”.

The dark night brings us into the brilliant shining of God’s love. K-17 acknowledges that we desire to constantly experience God’s Presence in us and flowing through us. And when we don’t experience this, we wonder what is wrong. Why do we feel cut off? This dark night, K-17 explains, is for the pruning from us of all that “cannot live within the full daylight-shining of God’s love”. What is it that has allowed us to become accustomed to living outside of God? The dark night is the time to surrender those conditions into Love’s immortal fire. And he wants us to know that we will cycle out of the dark night experience by using “our higher spiritual faculties and choosing to glorify God in every moment of our lives”.

Be victorious over the world of maya. K-17 tells us how important it was for him to conquer his lower self especially since it was his chosen work to be the witness of the dark side of humanity. If he hadn’t conquered himself and his lower nature, he could never be able to enter into the world of man’s density and debauchery, meeting head-on the illusory momentums that could, if allowed, deter the forward spiritual movement of many souls on earth. This is why we have been taught most recently by Saint Germain to love our darker selves. It does not mean that we recreate this inner darkness but that we see it for what it really is—“the misqualification of God’s energy”. And by accepting our true nature and knowing our true potential in God, we are able to get to the “core of that darkness once and for all” and separate out from it all that is God.

Find the pathway back to the Interior Light. There is more than one inner chamber of the heart, K-17 reveals. As we enter the inner chambers, we must be able to find our “pathway back to the Interior Light that God has hidden for no man to know except he who would become God fully once more”. It is the allegory of Eden that we are experiencing daily, he says. As we choose to eat from the Tree of Life instead of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that only brings about duality in our being, we will experience God’s perfect, one-eyed vision.

To be or not to be! K-17 speaks of the importance of the heart/mind, love/wisdom connection. It means that our love for God grows proportionately with the wise choices we have made. We are exercising both devotion and wisdom. “The path may be boiled down to this: the choice to be or not to be the light in all manifestation ever and always”. Saint Germain understood this. From this “point of perfect gnosis, he acts in and as God as the cosmic alchemist that he is because he believes fully in the God-potential within”. This is our goal.

In closing, K-17 goads us to come up higher even if it means experiencing the dark night so that we may get beyond all that is not God. He seals us “in the sacred cloak of light” that will allow us to peer into the world of the reality of God’s being. “Invictus!” K-17 exclaims. “We are One!”

07/05/06 Kuthumi

Speak Gently of the Mysteries of God

We are enfolded in a new radiance by beloved Kuthumi. He speaks to us in the gentle voice of God, the voice we have often heard within our hearts—a voice of purity, sweetness and deep intention. Attunement with this voice allows us to understand the deeper mysteries of life. The LORD God does not always come in a voice of thunder but allows his communication to emanate his child-like, delicate nature as he offers to us the treasures of his heart. He wants The Hearts Center movement to share the teaching in this “spirit of gentle creativity”. Even though the power of God is acting through us, the manner of our expression to it must be bathed in such a loving gentleness that many will be drawn because they feel “the creative fires of holiness” that we express in simple ways.

All nature speaks of God! Kuthumi explains that his way of teaching the brethren who came to his order was the gentle way. He spoke to them of the God of nature. He spoke in simile and metaphor, using nature as examples of God’s presence with them through Brother Sun or Sister Moon, through the animal and bird kingdoms. He tells us as his modern-day brethren that the song of the bird carries “something of the Higher Worlds” and that the movement of the little foxes and ferrets is evidence of the “furtive” spirit of the Godhead. The dancing of the bees demonstrates the elements of higher wisdom which may, if we so desire, outpicture in our own minds for the blessing of the evolutions of this planet.

Receive the oil of gladness. Kuthumi pours upon the earth the oil of gladness. With Jesus, as our World Teachers, they convey a new frequency of understanding to assist our souls in our ascent toward God. In the winds, the waves, the swaying of the flowers and trees, we are to feel a newfound vibrancy. He encourages us to walk in nature, promising that he will walk with us. Jesus and he will prepare us to receive the “highest ministrations of the Spirit” and the ability to convey these to others.

The purpose of our spiritual practice: Daily contact with God is the purpose of our spiritual practice. Enter softly within the temple of your hearts each morning, he says, to allow the communing of the Spirit of God with your spirit. Speak to God in simple ways. He will answer profoundly. He will send a picture or deliver a metaphor to assist your understanding and the need to go “deeper to ascertain the pearl within the shell within the unconscious of your inner being”. May we be sufficient in our Guru who is God. We should not seek to storm heaven to receive all of his gifts at once. Let it be the figure-eight flow of giving and receiving, receiving and giving and that we are content with the steady gleanings that come as we are ready.

In closing, beloved Kuthumi sings to our souls of the sweet tidings of God’s love/wisdom for us, each one, today.

07/05/03 Beloved Jesus

Understand the Deeper, Inner Mysteries of the Christ

Beloved Jesus comes this blessed Omri-Tas’ day to share that within this movement of The Hearts Center, he and many ascended masters under the auspices of his guru Lord Maitreya, are forming a mystery school as a continuation of that which was established during Jesus’ mission in what is now called the Holy Land. That which Jesus conveyed during his ministry in the Middle East, and what he conveys now allows many more to come into the “sure knowledge and understanding of their own reality as sons and daughters of God, and not simply as servants or as lesser beings.” When we “understand that the beloved disciple as a John or as a Magdalene or as a Lazarus may truly be yourself then you too, may enter into the very heart of the teacher and the master, receiving the direct transfusion of the light essence of his being which comes through his guru and initiator and mentor.” This is symbolic of the preparation the soul needs for her final ascent unto the altar of the most High God.

A Sacred Jeweled Box is placed within Our Soul

Jesus placed within our soul a tiny, sacred jeweled box containing the essence of the Balm of Gilead and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Contained within this little box “is the distilled essence of these three [gold, frankincense and myrrh] which will culminate in your own full Christhood and empowerment as you employ them day by day in your rituals, prayer services, in your darshan experiences, in the sharing of your very self with others in service to their souls.” Jesus then taught of the analogy of that which the Three Wise Men delivered to him when he was a little child, saying that there was significance in not only the physicality of these gifts, but also in the conveyance of an initiation to his soul through the symbolism of the three gifts.

Jesus Invites Us to Study in His Retreat for Thirty-three Days

The mystery of the Christ that Jesus conveys could fill volumes of teachings. Jesus invites us for the next thirty-three days to attend in our finer bodies, nightly classes in his etheric retreat over the Holy Land, where there will be special sessions studying a synopsis of that which he shared in the Upper Room to the seventy and more. We will also study how the conveyance of the inner mysteries and initiations may come to us and others as this cycle of Pisces is fully passed to Aquarius, “whereby Saint Germain and his message of the use of the violet transmuting fire and light may be that which carries the earth unto a new age of enlightenment and cosmic reason.”

Claim your Full Beingness as the Christ

Jesus reminds us to have patience with ourselves, for God is very patient and has waited long for our return as a prodigal one to his heart. “There is an end to the suffering of the human and the appearance of the divine within you . . . You will not always abide in fleshly bodies whereby you do not fully understand the totality of your God-being. Know the love of the lord for you and feel that joy spirit welling up within each morn as through cosmic expectancy you can do those greater works of which I spoke, and which I now command you to do in my name and in the name of Mary, Magda, Saint Germain and Portia. For the Holy Family may be where you are even as all devotees of the Spirit are truly of one family, of one bloodline and that being the light of the Christ.

07/05/02 Gautama Wesak Address

On This Day of Wesak Beloved Gautama Releases Powerful Spirals of Love/Wisdom
and Waves of Peace, Peace, Peace

Our beloved Gautama releases a spiral, a coil of love/wisdom fire from the center of the earth rising from the center of the Himalayas, swirling across the earth. This cosmic vortex of light consumes the jaded concepts of mankind. Gautama asks for illumination’s fire to rise within us and that the glow within our crown supplant all anti-wisdom light.

Gautama commands peace to be where he is and to flow within the solar plexus of the earth and in all who seek peace—the peace of God. He asks us to resonate with him in the center of Oneness. “Peace. Be still,” he commands. Attuning to the perfect threefold emanation within, we are to see ourselves within the lotus of love. If we feel the burdens of our earthly living, he invites us to enter the lotus of his heart for surcease. He again invokes peace. Peace flows through us now in resonance with his gracious heart as together we establish peace here, there and everywhere.

As we see the waves of reality coming, we are to know that only God is real where we are. Return currents of man’s karma unmove us. He asks us to touch the ground in the earth-touching mudra and say with him, “Vajra!” Nothing can stand in the light of day of the Almighty where we are, he reminds. The new day appearing here through us is such that those who look for illumination may find it in our own witness to the reality of that light residing in us. Peace. Be still, O darkness, O maya, O soul, O lover of God and know who I am within.

Hear David Lewis on the Universal Truths Radio Show Today, May 2nd!

At 8:00 p.m. EDT, tune in to channel WVOX, 1460 on your AM dial , broadcasting to New York City and surrounding areas to hear David Lewis discuss personal and planetary relationships. How do I find that perfect someone? How can I create a lasting and positive relationship with that special one? How does the way I relate to a soul mate, a family member, a friend and especially myself influence more than just my personal world? Don’t miss tonight’s broadcast as host, Raphael Fitch, interviews spiritual teacher, David Lewis, on this singularly important topic for personal and world transformation. If you do not live in the broadcast area, listen online by going to www.wvox.com.

07/05/01Beloved Mother Mary-Saint Germain

Beloved Mother Mary

Beloved Mother Mary brought us introspection on this first day of May, her day. She began by focusing a crystal within our hearts to bring us to a heightened awareness of God’s presence with us always. She reminded us that we are more than just these four lower bodies and took us on a journey within, deep, deep within the inner recesses of our soul. She said for us to see our soul as a beautiful rose in the “particular shades and hues that are meaningful to you as a conscious ones.” As the petals of this rose open and we are able to enter the very center, then we may feel the “wafting spirit of God’s presence”and we may know all wisdom, all truth, and all being.

Mother Mary said “Through the purity of your own souls yearning and striving for the blessedness and grace of that divine union, I draw you deeper into the very heart of the beloved. Hear the whisperings of the Lord’s love for you as you gain entrĂ©e to the inner chamber where only love is manifest.”

“It is almost as if God, as a honey bee comes to drink of the essence of who you are as He returns to the sacred honeycomb, the womb of the divine Mother. And yet in the very alchemy of this partaking of His own children’s essence, what is left for you as a flower of the divine, is greater for His coming. For there is the merging of spirit and matter within the womb of your soul and what is born within you is truly the Christ essence, the Buddhic emanation of that God reality that you truly are.”Our beloved Mother concluded with a song of light as she lifted our burdens of darkness and placed a gift of roses at our feet.

I AM the Miracle Light of Violet Fire

A fiery Saint Germain came this morning on the anniversary of his ascension day.“Blessed Ones, I take you into the Cave of Symbols this morning, and with approval of the Great Divine Director, I desire to perform an alchemical experiment with you.”Saint Germain said that this experiment would establish a permanent God magnet within each one’s soul for the retrieval of certain soul parts, which had been lost through past misuses of the sacred fire.

He explained that this cosmic magnet can be visualized and maintained day by day as we give violet flame prayers and songs. This magnet is in the shape of a six pointed star in seven dimensions of being and we must each perceive how this sacred geometric manifestation as a talisman of sacred fire within us maybe utilized in our spiritual work and service to life. Saint Germain continued “Thus you may also visualize this cosmic talisman deep within the earth body. And simultaneous with the magnetization of cosmic light rays from far off worlds, there is the consuming of the cause and core of that which manifested as the perversion whereby these soul parts were lost and a streaming forth into the atmosphere of the earth of the secret rays coalesced as cosmic manifestations of this great transmutative eraser which will consume on contact great quantities of darkness, pollution, injustices and records of war and the spilling of blood across the earth.

“For it is time blessed ones, that vibrating within the very sphere of the earth which includes its atmosphere are great cosmic reservoirs of this violet energy and through your conscious cooperation, it may be so this day and every day that you partake of the sacred alchemy that we perform together now. By an action of light and dispensation granted unto me this day, on my Ascension Day, I Saint Germain, call forth great cosmic light rays from out the Great Central Sun to the Earth itself. Blaze forth now the violet light throughout the atmosphere of the earth and the atmosphere of the souls of all those here physically present and all those participating on this broadcast.” Beloved Saint Germain concluded with “This is my prayer, this is the alchemy of love that I share with all this day, Amen.”