07/05/21 Lord Shiva

Be Shiva!

Blazing in sacred fire, Lord Shiva comes this morning to bring a new-found fire to clear the planet and her people of nihilism, self defeat and elements of the death consciousness! This will greatly assist us in manifesting the “greater works” that Jesus spoke of, for “how do you expect to do those works unless you have the Holy Spirit, unless you have Shiva continuously dancing within you….spinning your chakras?”

Shiva asks us to dance with our children each day and “stamp upon those elements and aspects of your former self that are outmoded and no longer mean anything to the God Self of yourself, blessed ones.” While everyone experiences the doldrums at times, to deal with it “is a very simple equation: you no longer engage in this aspect of your lower nature but accept Shiva within you. For Shiva is determined that at all times and all places to blaze forth the light of the Spirit most holy within you if you will simply allow and accept this vibration, this supernal consciousness to be where you are…..to dance where you are.”

Allow the energies of God to move through you.

When sitting in a stationery position at all times, the forces of darkness seek you out and move around you, explains Shiva. He asks us to become more like little children, in whom movement is the law of being, and seek ways and means “to bring the very elements of waltz and dance and hopping and circular ambulation into your sacred center and your sacred service to life.”

Serving others is another aspect of Shiva

“Do something to serve life in a very practical mean, for it is only in this way that you will discover the movement of the forces of light within you…whereby the earth is raised. And the destroyer, as another aspect of myself, comes to destroy the elements of darkness even within those whom you serve through the extension of your heart, head and hand unto them.”

Shiva claims us in the West as his own and asks us to sing with him and dance with him daily, if even for only 10 seconds, jumping up and down and declaring that you are Shiva. We did this with him in a rousing session of affirming “I am Shiva!” after which he claimed that he felt renewed by the renewal of the sacred fire that he felt flowing through us! “And the earth, turning upon her axis, will never be the same for Shiva is everywhere upon earth this day, every day. Shiva! Shiva! Shiva!”