07/02/21 How To Pass Your Spiritual Tests!

How to Pass Your Tests!

A lively discussion during the Rosary this morning on the topic of passing our tests gives us wonderful keys so that we may, by God's grace, pass every one:

1. Get to know the heart of our great Initiator, Lord Maitreya.

2. Be aware that there are pop quizzes as well as scheduled exams.

3. Be centered and in the flow.

4. Be discerning, wary and alert—spherical vision, peripheral awareness.

5. Know the cycles of our own karma through the study of cosmic astrology.

6. Ask Christ to be our Mediator so that we don’t misqualify God’s energy.

7. Act from our Real Self. Be in our Presence, in our heart not in the analysis of the mental mind.

8. Balance our threefold flame and balance and align our four lower bodies through spiritual practices including fasting and physical exercise.

9. Surrender to the will of God.

10. Guard the quantity and quality of our words and how we converse and interact with others, listening with the heart, allowing others to complete their thought without interruption.

11. Create and maintain as much as possible a harmonious, organized environment so that excess stress caused by too many demands upon one’s attention are minimized.

12. Cultivate an “Is that so?”consciousness which frees us from a human reaction to every situation. 13. Anticipate and expect the tests.

Be aware of what we, individually, require that helps us maintain our centeredness—quiet time, sufficient sleep, strenuous exercise.

14. Because the tests become more subtle as we progress, we must invoke the secret rays and practice the gift of discernment.