07/01/17 Christine, Aurora, Holy Amethyst, Mother Mary

The Light of the Archeiai
The Ladies of Heaven Come to Bless Souls Upon Earth

* * * Yesterday and today the Seven Sisters, the Seven Archeiai have communed with us bringing the cosmic radiance from their hearts for our comfort, enlightenment and freedom; for the healing of our soul at the deepest core level; and, for the quickening and awakening of our consciousness. The Archeiai have come with a plan to one by one raise the souls upon earth to remember who they are. Mother Mary said this would be accomplished through each one of us, through the giving of our prayers, our mantras and most especially through our accepting who we are “as a soul of light, even as a diadem in the eye of God.”

* * * Beloved Christine spoke of the plasticity and malleability of the soul so that we might realize how every decision that we make, every thought we think, every musing of our mind and especially of our emotions impress frequencies upon the substance of our souls. Knowing this, she said “You would be more careful in all that you do, think, say and feel, for these impressions make a permanent mark upon your being.” Beloved Christine released cosmic joy light through our crown chakras for the illumination of greater aspects of our thought and feeling world, so as to “allow us to cognize and perceive” as our higher Self does know.

* * * Beloved Aurora said that peace is the right of every soul to know within. “And yet that peace can only manifest fully when there is stillness within your core. Take time each day, if only for a few moments, to be completely silent and away from all the noisiness of the world, and to perceive the radiance of the angelic ministrants who come to give you their grace and love. . . .You see, you must first receive heaven’s blessing in order to then share it with others. . . .Each who has understood the nature of the Christ must be that emanation to a planet and a people. . .be a way shower, a teacher, a servant leader unto the hearts of the children of men.”

* * * Holy Amethyst imparted crystals of amethyst to surround our soul and soul chakra with the violet light. She told us to see our bloodstream infused with the crystal radiance of liquid amethyst for the cleansing of impurities, and for the consuming of that which has been a burden upon us. Holy Amethyst asked us to “first work on your self at the deepest core levels, transmuting anything that is not the perfection of God that flows through your consciousness.” She suggests that when a thought or emotion arises that is not real, “to see it instantly dispersed in the violet liquid light of your being.”

* * * Mother Mary sealed this mission of the archeiai: “May my Immaculate Heart seal now all that you have received in holiness. May your new life begin this day. May you know only God, God, God."