070910 Youth Darshan from 9-2-07

During the Family Sunday Service on September 2nd, the youth in attendance and those participating on the internet broadcast were given the opportunity to ask questions directly of the masters. The answers were dictated through the messenger by Jesus, Mother Mary and Kuthumi during the darshan. Highlights of this session are related here:

A question was asked about the causes of deep, inner anguish.

Jesus responsed by saying that it isn’t always necessary for us to know the deepest core cause of personal anguish. He talked of the protection we are afforded by not having the memory of these events and situations in our outer conscious awareness. But when we are dealing with this kind of energy, “the key to the corrective measures that you, in cooperation with us, may engage in, as you know very well, is the violet transmuting, singing flame and its accelerated momentum as the violet laser light.” At times, we may receive from our Higher Self flashes of past incarnations or events. We aren’t to wallow in the pain, but “simply allow them to flow into the sacred fire to be consumed and to no longer have an imprint as an engram of conscious awareness upon your soul.” He said that when we let go of the sense of injustice for what others have done, “then it will be easier for you to simply let go and let God be the manifest presence of God-justice in your world, to bring about harmony once again.”

He then gave a momentous blessing, saying, “Many chelas do rehash in their own mental body spirals of darkness. I replace these now with spirals of light! and consume, within the emotional body of all present and those listening, certain mindsets and attitudes that have held you in bondage to your lower nature for thousands of years…Let the past be no more, but let the present reality of who you are in God now hold sway within your conscious awareness as a co-creator with God.”

Next, an email question was asked by a young boy from Buenos Aires: Did Jesus learn and do carpentry work with his father, Joseph?

Mother Mary responded and told us that although he did receive instruction from Joseph on carpentry and other uses of the hand that were practical in that day and hour, Jesus did not complete a full apprenticeship and become a master carpenter, as has been said in the Catholic Church. His primary mission was to heal, to teach, “to preach a new gospel of mercy and forgiveness, taking mankind from the old law of the prophets to a new law of love. Thus he was required to study with the rishis, the great teachers of the East, and his main and primary mission was not to be a carpenter in that life, his final…Therefore, I come to dispel the myth and false teaching that Jesus until the age of 29 was a carpenter in our home in Nazareth.”

Mother Mary went on to discourse about the beautiful relationship between Joseph and Jesus, saying, “When he would work with Jesus in his aura, or in his immediate environment, he would always convey to the young boy elements of the higher teachings that were inspired upon him. And the teaching that Joseph conveyed was just as important as the instruction on the use of the hammer, the saw…” He essentially taught Jesus “that all that we do receives the permanency of our spirit as we infuse it with our love and light.”

We were told of the very special, sometimes telepathic, communication that Mary had with her son when he was afar. “Telepathically Jesus would always send messages of love to my heart which the angels brought on wings of love. And I received nuances of what he was going through in my dreams, in the retreats, and in my meditations where I constantly held vigil in my prayer work for him.”

And finally, there was a question about the energy that we call prana


Kuthumi responded saying, “When I received the stigmata as Saint Francis, part of the initiation was to not only understand the nature of the imprint of Christ’s marks upon me, but to receive, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the sacred essences of Jesus’ blood that flowed as the prana within this sacred blood through my being.” He defined “Pra na” as the purified ray of Alpha flowing through the nexus of all.

Kuthumi explained that angels of the different rays appear to be the color of the ray upon which they serve. There is a great science to this and the coloration in their auras is such because of the crystalline nature of how these cosmic essences are flowing through them. He instructed us that “You may consciously ingest, through pranayama, cosmic essences of the various rays, including the secret rays, as you see the prana diffused with these essences… Consider how prana is the Holy Spirit in its purest aspect, at its very core. When one with the Holy Spirit through inspiration, through cosmic respiration, you receive the nuances of his cosmic consciousness through the pranayama and breathing that you engage in.”