070928 Maitreya

Maitreya Comes to Defend a Nation Dedicated to the Secret Rays

Through the Buddhic Pathway

Maitreya Buddha stood in Rangoon this morning blazing forth the ruby and emerald crystal light, the golden Buddha Ray and the five Secret Rays. And to the Burmese military dictatorship he said, “Thus far and no farther!” With the swiftness of the Flying Eagle, Sanat Kumara also came to deliver this judgment upon those who would “…raise their arms against another soul.”

What can be done when many pray for and defend a people is stupendous.”

Lord Gautama had called Maitreya to assemble numberless numbers of Buddhas and bodhisattvas for the protection of freedom upon the nation of Burma. So Maitreya came to all heartfriends to anchor his presence with each one of us so that we may be with them to defend that freedom. “Throughout this weekend I ask you to walk as Buddhas and bodhisattvas on behalf of the precious and courageous souls who have marched for their freedom. For you see there is a direct heart tie between many of you and may of these as your brothers and sisters. They have stood for freedom, will you stand for and kneel for freedom, I ask?”

So we were asked to see that everyone, even the most humble, servile person is worth defending. It is the light within them which is worth ennobling through the light of freedom. “For you see enlightenment is freedom and entering into the Buddhic awareness through your crown is the greatest aspect of freedom you can know.” It gives us freedom from the lethargy of the lesser self and the human mind and that which would steal away what is real about us.

We can be anchor points for the dissolution of darkness and the presence of peace.

“These Buddhist monks have stood for the light for eons. They have seen what has occurred in Tibet and they will not stand for the same disenfranchisement of their nation, their history and their legacy.” Thus, the Buddhas are assembled in battle gear to prove what they are made of. It is light and “… the armies of the earth cannot stand against that light that we bear from the Pure Land of God-knowingness, the home of the Buddhas.” And they asked us to see ourselves ”… also arrayed in wings of light in the full armor of protection” as we call unceasingly for these souls, for the freedom of their true leader and the safeguarding of the many focuses of light in the nation of Burma.

Maitreya impressed his vibration in a ring of fire around Burma, “the land of the Buddha merged with the ray of MA. Let it be so within you that the mother light risen to the crown may defend the seed of mother in earth through the light of the Buddha who you are.

The messenger’s comments after the dictation:

David: Thank you, blessed ones. I appreciate each and every sacrifice that each of you make. Maitreya and Gautama and Sanat Kumara, Jesus, Padma Sambhava and the Buddha Mother appreciate every sacrifice, every prayer, every good thought, every positive affirmation, every intent-ful glance of light in simple awareness of your own God Self as you emanate throughout the day. Every erg of light that flows through you can support Maitreya today and throughout this weekend. And I am asking that whatever prayers are done throughout this weekend, tonight’s service as well as Saturday and Sunday, be focused on Burma as much as possible. It is a crucial, critical time and you heard Maitreya. So, thank you very much.
God bless you, John and everyone at Wellspring. God bless you all listening. Thank you, thank you, thank you, all of you who have answered the call of beloved Portia and given very generously toward the building fund. I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of the heart of all the council members, of John Fanuzzi and those who are still working. Please, please pray for John and for his strengthening to withstand the beating drums of darkness that would assail that which we are about to the securing of this sacred land for the Brotherhood. I cannot even tell you how important this project is, and I know that not everyone has necessarily heard the message of Portia from yesterday, but please take it to heart, listen to it again, read the newsflash and understand the handwriting on the wall and how important this is for us. God bless you.

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For those who would like to respond to Portia's request yesterday, the Building Development Fund can be found on our website by clicking either the “Donate Now” button, or the “Support Us” button on the menu to your left. You may also send personal checks for the Building Development Fund, to The Hearts Center, P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047