070921 Padre Pio

Seek the Light Early, Seek the Light Late,
But be that Light Always through your Meditations, through your Prayers
Through your Resonance with the Heart of God

The most beloved Padre Pio came yesterday morning to both bless us and “to augment our work with the flame of the Holy Spirit whereby every momentous thoughtform, every erg of energy that flows through your consciousness may activate and ennoble all that you say through that holiness that is the very essence of the Spirit borne by those whose goal is to return to the heart of God through the ritual of prayer.”

The European Pilgrimage

As we prepare for the European pilgrimage, Padre Pio asked us to all understand the nature of this journey as being “to enter more deeply into the heart of God” rather than to go as observers of another culture and clime. Therefore, there is much preparatory work of our consciousness to be engaged in if we are “to receive the action of the secret rays whereby there may be through the distillation of the light flowing though [our] heart, the consuming of ancient records as well as the replacement of that darkness with light within [us that] will allow [us] to more deeply understand the very nature of God as light, as energy and of [our] purpose in being instruments for the release of that light to all.” For when the secret rays have been activated within your chakras, “there may be healing, there may be the transfer of light from chakra to chakra, from heart to heart—only in understanding the very purpose [of] the delivery of these higher frequencies which is for wholeness at all levels of being, may you truly become those instruments, those focal points for the Lord to use for his purposes upon earth.”
To be those instruments many of us need an acceleration of our consciousness if we are to understand the holy purpose and greater mission of our lifestream. “For not only in study but in the practical application of that which you have received through the transfer of light through your being may you then be receptive to the next circumference of fire from your source that descends as you understand the very nature of evolution and of the ongoing stream that may be yours by intention through that oneness with God’s holy purpose.”

Surrender, Confession, Communion—
Entering into the Very Heartbeat of the One Above

Padre Pio was a confessor for many, many people who would come to him for the dissolution of their sins. Yet, he said, they often “held within themselves matrices that they simply could not let go of.” Thus, another purpose of Padre Pio’s coming is “to dissolve within you patterns that have become momentums and habits if you should choose to allow these to go permanently.” He says that it is only through the surrender of past momentums that we then re-engage in, that we can reclaim a portion of our selfhood and enter into the very heart of Oneness that we seek.
Our surrender and self emptying process through confession to our Higher Self or to a representative of the Christ Spirit, is like a washing clean of our consciousness so that “the new light, the ruby light shining bright within [us] may take hold within [our] being, amplified by the very light of the blood of Christ as the frequency of his love pouring through his consciousness, that [we] may partake of in communion, not only when it is served in holy ritual, but throughout the day, through every meal, through every exercise of your heart.”
Speaking of the holy brothers and sisters who have entered into the divine relationship of being brides of Christ or being led to the Spirit, Padre Pio said “when there was the complete surrender of self to the divine One, then the spirit of Christ as a mantle of light descended and that one ennobled in the Spirit could be truly a representative for healing and for the flow of grace to all whom they served.”
Padre Pio also came to remind us of the inner vow that we have taken “to serve to set life free,” saying that this vow sets the sail for our life, leading us all the way to the apex of attainment.

Padre Pio Will be with Us in Italy

Bestowing his aura upon us as we gazed upon his picture and listened to a song dedicated to him, Padre Pio said that he will be with us as well in Italy singing with us when we sing his music. He will “attend to many souls who come within the radius of [our] auras as [we] travel. And I will give you an extension of your auras as you are able to visualize and to perceive the ruby ray action of holy love out flowing from you to bless all within that nation and all nations.”

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This Weekend with Caroline A-Mira Wyndham

There was a replay of Saint Germain’s message from last Saturday, September 15th this morning. Saint Germain spoke of having brought someone from afar to give instruction on the use of the crystal energies, which he called precipitated frequencies of the secret rays. Caroline is this person, and will be giving a workshop today and then a presentation during tomorrow morning Family Service as well.
In his message, Saint Germain also told us that “when through those chakras divine within you, you begin first to receive and then to distribute these higher emanations and wave patterns of cosmic worlds then your alchemy will be easier, blessed hearts… And through your acceptance of the crystal stream of the divine intent of God's love for you flowing through your consciousness you can then receive and energize the principles behind that light-essence such that they may be employed within your world for the mighty works of grace that you would accomplish.”

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