070920 Kuthumi from 060920

Kissing Your Heart with My Radiance

This morning we heard a timeless message from Beloved Kuthumi first given on September 20, 2006, on the importance of our being able to discern the energies that flow through our mind as a requirement for all who are pursuing the path of the ascension. “It is time, blessed ones, that many more of you who have not fully understood the science of meditation as practiced by the brothers in white come to terms with your mind. . . .For many of you are not quite yet at the level in your awareness through meditation that the Lord of the World and his successor are prepared to bring you.”

Working with Our Soul on Our Psychology

Beloved Gautama and Lord Maitreya sponsored a class last year (six weeks after this message was given) on meditation, and they asked Kuthumi to assist them in preparing their students. Kuthumi said that prior to the course he would work with our soul and our psychology to prepare us “for the great influx of illumination’s flame which will come to those who are ready to sit under their own bo [bodhi] tree with Gautama for that seminal enlightenment and quickening that will mean for you an acceleration, a radiance and perception from a new realm and level that you had not dreamed possible.” Kuthumi tells us that for those souls who will press on, “keeping alert and mindful—and yet not in and of the human mind—the training that I will give at inner levels will be for you that guiding light to transport you to cosmic awareness.”

Stilling the Mind in the Here and Now

As the requirements for the ascension were lowered a number of years ago to allow souls with at least 51% of their karma balanced “to enter heaven’s gates without the complete manifestation of their Buddhic awareness intact,” these same souls not having balanced all of their karma, “nor having entered into cosmic nirvana consciousness fully, still study [and practice] with their tutors to prepare for the full flowering of this awareness as ascended beings.” When we each do this work while on earth, then as ascended beings we will be transported beyond the introductory classes in the heaven world. . . .so that we can excel to the level at which many of us are even now being required to attain to fulfill our future roles as ascended masters.
Kuthumi recommends for those having trouble stilling their mind for five minutes, that they consider studying the techniques and practicing meditation “through certain sponsored gurus upon earth.”

A Crib Sheet for Universal Gnosis

Instead of our being so conscious of the passing of time, Kuthumi suggests that we “enter into the great Tao of non-space reality that I now weave around you and through you. The gift of Self is great, but loosing the lesser self so that the true “I” may inhabit you at all times and all space does gather around you more of the essence of light who I AM within.”
Kuthumi gave each of us at the soul level “a crib sheet for your remembering of those specific steps that will lead you out of human consciousness permanently and into the awakened state of universal gnosis always.”

We were then sealed by the master KH, kissing our heart with his radiance.