070924 Manjushri discourse

Through the Sacred Science of ‘No Thought’ the Holy Mindfulness of God May Be Yours Always

After a period of silent meditation during this morning’s Rosary Service, we were given a discourse released from the heart of the great Buddha, Manjushri, on the science of no thought. This is a serene state of consciousness which allows us to arise in consciousness to higher dimensions. When our mind is active through thought, often there is a disconnect that occurs between our heart-mind connection with our divine Buddha nature, keeping the light from flowing freely through us. Manjushri says that entering into no thought is entering into the realm of Buddhas--“it is the Pure Land of Lord Maitreya.”

Keys were given to assist us in the process of achieving this state. He said that we can meditate on a placid pool or a pond. When a thought arises, it troubles the water. We can follow the thread of the thought back to its source which may be a memory or a thought-form that often is charged with emotion. The violet flame can transmute the etching within the memory body of certain thought patterns, and then that pattern may no longer have its residence within our mind.

Through no thought and the processes of the Buddhas that allow us to dissolve these etchings within our world, we can gradually have diminished within us the substance that has accumulated within our emotional body, in our astral body. This allows the energy to rise into our Higher Being and be utilized by our Higher Self toward the placid state of no thought. When we are in this state, we have access to the mind of God. As part of our spiritual practice, we need to allow time everyday for this state of poise to reside within us.

Manjushri asks us to take to heart and work with the book, The Heart of Buddhist Meditation by Nyanaponika Thera, which was the text for the Meru University class on Heartstreaming given last Fall. “Once you allow God to do his perfect work through you, then having no thought occur, more and more within your being, you actually trace back to the original thought pattern of God, which is the issuing forth of the beingness of God’s impersonal nature. And in that state of cosmic mind you will truly know what it means to have the sense of no thought of the Buddhas.”

He calls sun-gazing one of the highest forms of devotion and spiritual practice, when done mindfully, entering into the silence of perfect poise and peace. Each morning as we gaze upon the sun, new inspiration is downloaded through the electrons that flow and the light that energizes those electrons. In this way and in the use of the violet flame and through creativity in our visualizations, in meditation, even as the words flow through our throat chakra, not forced out, but simply flow, then there is the washing clean of our world and the raising of all life thereby. In these ways we sustain the connectivity between our heart-mind connection and the heart-mind connection of the Godhead, which is our reason for being.

So I am grateful that the conscious ones among y are becoming super conscious, and the super conscious among y are becoming even more childlike in acceptance of radiance of yr Buddha nature, but thru this sacred place of no thought the holy mindfulness of God may be yours always.