080127 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #15

Essences of Mercy and Love as Spiritual Vitamins

for the Digestion of the Word Right within the Chalice of Our Hearts

Today the cosmic holy mother comes to quicken us to know the transcendental nature of mercy. She has studied in The Great Silence and understands the very nature of life and of the universe. As we incorporate mercy into our daily routine through silent meditation upon our own solar light and presence we will gradually perceive with the more refined sensitivities of our souls the very nature of "…mercy itself as life."

As we drink the elixir of light which mercy is we come to understand in the context of our own soul evolving in time and space "…the greater context of the evolution of all lifewaves throughout all worlds." And by "… the sacred prayer work, meditation and stillness" in which we engage, our alchemies become more refined and beautiful to behold, we are washed clean in the fire of mercy and we "… emanate the very present awareness of Mercy in All."

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin's full message and to participate in the early morning prayer service from Paradise Valley in Montana.

  • Mercy is quite the karma basher.

  • Mercy has been known to pull many strings behind the scenes. For this she has often been referred to among the bodhisattvas as the Chinese Marionette Lady.

  • Mercy’s great love interests are the careless, the uncared for and the uncaring.

  • Before the law of karma was set in motion God consulted Mercy.

  • Mercy treads lightly wherever she goes yet all feel her luminous presence.

  • From Mercy’s perspective no one is a lost cause. She reminds us that all came from One Cause.

  • To Mercy, the second death is an implausible choice, though she realizes that for each soul who so opts, that one’s free will supersedes her own bargaining pleas.

  • Mercy is especially moved and convincing when converting the indifferent. Her closing arguments are eloquent and beautiful.

  • With Charity, Mercy coined the phrase tender loving care.

  • Mercy’s works are woven with great subtlety, though when they are complete they are magnificent to behold from every perspective.

  • Long, long ago Mercy redefined the very nature in which karma is outpictured.

  • Mercy’s loom is the human heart.