080126 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #14

I Dream a Dream of Mercy for All Life

I Am Extending This Dream as the Potential Reality for You Today

Our beloved Kuan Yin spoke this morning of the gentle washing of our soul that is occurring within each of us during this cycle of the delivery of her Missives of Mercy. She said that this cleansing process, in preparation for the “great God-time even now appearing” is for us to “understand the very nature of Selfhood in God by being aware of all that flows through [our] consciousness, being mindful of every wispy thought, of every vibration or feeling, and coming to terms with that which [we] have both created and accepted as a part of self.”

She reminds us that every word from a master of wisdom and every bit of light energy we receive from our Solar Source is a boon that we may use to find our way home again to the heart of God. “As [we] embrace each concept and the inner meaning of the word as well as the frequency of light by which it is carried by angels of grace to [our] world, all that is may be [ours], all that was may no longer be where [we] are.

Kuan Yin, in her full Presence as the Goddess of Mercy, giving fiats of “fohatic power of divine love” performed a clearance action of the ruby love for each of the four elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire so that “all evolutions of light [may] be free and know the supremacy of the One within all.”

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message and to participate in today’s morning service.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #14

  • Graduates of mercy move on to frequent the classrooms of ruby love.

  • I propel the novitiates of love into becoming masters of the fohatic frequencies of divine mercy.

  • Every mercy-love shared with one soul is a boon-blessing to all souls.

  • As others have said, I now echo: Realizing your potential is only the beginning.

  • Let Mercy be your guide as you travel upon the highways of loving service.

  • Mercy is the beneficent action of love; not an act that feigns compassion.

  • The industrious who seek the betterment of life among all cultures are often the unsung but practical advocates and applicators of mercy.

  • The word refuse (or refuse) is not in the lexicon of the bodhisattvas of Mercy.

  • Every virtue is embellished with and by Mercy in some way.

  • When the aroma of violets, lilacs, freesias or clover surrounds you, know that Mercy is close at hand.

  • Mercy is masterful at advising how you may take your potential and make it kinetic, energetic, dynamic by an understanding of the power of extending grace through love.

  • As you frequent the abodes of the heavenly bodhisattvas through loving devotion, you begin to see the divine workings of mercy in the affairs of all mankind. Now emulate and magnify their work of love in some joyful application today!