071229 Beloved Saint Germain

Empower Saint Germain, the Great Divine Director and the Masters of the Seventh Ray to Enter and Abide in Our World Continuously

With his purple fiery heart glowing, Saint Germain, standing in his city Chicago, raised a torch of freedom tonight, as he delivered the “flaming fire of cosmic justice to the earth.” With a statement that “it is a time for reflection upon [our] life, [our] mission and what [we] will do in 2008 to sustain this plan,” Saint Germain gave us specific areas upon which to concentrate:

  • Defense of freedom on behalf of America and the planet.

  • Elections for a new American President and Vice-President on November 8, 2008.

  • A committee to formulate calls based on the news so that all with pinpoint accuracy can continue to call forth the light necessary to sustain the balance in the earth.

  • A continual vigil to K-17 and Cyclopea for the exposure of what is going on behind the scenes that must come to light to people of all nations.

  • Secure a full library of the new decree CDs—“discs of light”—and to play them continuously in our homes and vehicles, wherever we are and wherever we are not, so that “these cosmic resonating stations, whereby these frequencies can be going forth in every major city in the United States and the world can have the power of the word blazing forth to propel the earth higher.”

  • In our letters to the Karmic Board outline our vision of what we would like to be in our personal world, our families, our communities and the greater world at large.

  • Vote in the November 8, 2008 elections with our hearts, our voices, our feet and our ears “attuned to the very voice that speaks within” us.

Saint Germain sealed his message with an equal amount of fiery love, “I give you my heart and my heart’s fire for greater cosmic connectivity of the Spirit, greater cosmic consciousness, greater joy, greater light and greater freedom.”