080110 Chananda, Chief of the Indian Council of the Great White Brotherhood

A Pilgrimage to India in 2008!

Be Anchor Points for the Buddhas and the Gods and Goddesses of Heaven

Beloved Chananda comes this morning impressing the “flame of peace from the heart of India” upon the earth and within the hearts of lightbearers everywhere. After deliberation on how to establish a “greater foundation for lasting peace within the region of Southern Asia,” the Indian and Darjeeling councils “have determined that in addition to [our] ongoing prayers for peace to occur, that it is essential that at least 24 or more of [us] come physically to [their] home in the East to anchor light for the brotherhood during this year 2008.”

Acknowledging the many projects that The Hearts Center movement determines to fulfill this year, and the many personal, family and community needs of heartfriends, Chananda reminds us that we each “have the resources of the spirit to accomplish all.” And that much can be accomplished as “the intention of the few may indeed make up the difference for the many this year.” Along with intention is the importance of excellent planning for the use of our resources and finances over the coming months.

Chananda asks us all to take heart and to know that the masters “are determined to both support [us] and to inspire upon [us] new ways to precipitate that abundance that [we] require to fulfill [their] request.” We are reminded of the law of the one, “whereby even that which occurs across the planet affects life everywhere.”

In preparation for this journey, all are asked to take time to review the HeartStreams of the masters of the Far East, especially of Lord Himalaya; call to the Master Ganesh, even in his guise of the Great Divine Director, to clear the way to our victory; and to attune to the divine world within, “the sanctuary of the soul and the heart as the place of perfect peace. . .[so that] greater outflows of peace may be [ours] day by day.”

Click here to access and listen to Chananda’s entire message and this morning rosary service.