071231 Omraam

As You Enter the New Year Look at Life from the Perspective of the Sun

The Master Omraam comes this afternoon with an intriguing proposition: “Take a journey with the sun this year. Understand life from the sun’s perspective and know truly how you can be a Solar Being even now through your consciousness, one with the Divine.” Giving us a sense of Self worth in God, he asks us to “be that golden crystal clear sunbeam by which God will radiate the sacred fire and raise the entire earth in that light through you. . . . Simply be the sun shining onto all in love.”

Speaking of an earlier teaching of his, Omraam states that the first twelve days of the year are precursors to the twelve months of the New Year. “Thus live these days as you would have each of the twelve months be, setting forth the coursing and the sailing of the ship of your own being that honors God through the evolution of light and through the coursing of the earth around the sun and the sun around the galactic center as would be worthy of a true sun of God… take measures these first twelve days to see to it that something of what you have set forth by intention that you would like to manifest during this coming year is attained to, is brought forth. For it is not only a symbol but it is the seed of intention that when watered through your work and service will then truly manifest these intentions as realities.”

We can manifest great light and even stabilize worlds by chanting the mantra “Om Raam”, with intention and with the new understanding that he brings to us today.