080105 Saint Germain, Seventh Ray Master of Freedom

Realize Your God Potential Now!

Saint Germain comes this morning during the first few days of the New Year to infuse us with “a new sense of holiness and oneness and of radiance,” telling us that there “has never been a more important time and place for [us] to become the fullness of God than now.” We are reminded that it has ever been so that our “world is God’s world,” and that the only division between heaven and earth is “in man’s consciousness unwed to God.”

Saint Germain reminds us of the importance of harmony, saying that when we realize the fullness of our God-potential, which is freedom, we will “give glory to God for being the very presence of love that harmonized [our] thoughts and feeling world, whereby there is the heart-mind connection that moves [us] into greater connectivity, happiness and joy in the Lord!”

“Be God where you are,” Saint Germain says is the essence of the first commandment. For the fiat, Let there be Light, “was actually also a holy directive to all life as the first commandment to ‘worship’ or manifest that light within and within all that God created in the beginning.” The glory and boon that comes to those who understand “the alchemy of the Spirit’s impregnating of matter with light in their daily work” is such that it will impel us each one into “cosmic consciousness, into seventh-ray joy, into freedom’s holy light!”

The masters see each one of us as a “crystal chalice through whom God emanates beingness.” Another key Saint Germain leaves us with, is that “this chalice as [our] heart is the portal to [our] divinity and [our] full Self-becoming.”

Click here to access the morning Rosary Service, including this entire message from Saint Germain.