080107 Paul the Venetian

The Chohans Create a Six-Pointed Star of Fiery Love over America

Accelerate Love for Victory in 2008

Paul the Venetian, the last chohan in this New Year’s series, came early this morning to bless each one of us “with a new and holy radiance of God’s love.” He reminded us that, “Love is the key to [our] divinity, for only through the portal of the heart may that key open the pathway to [our] personal victory.”

He announced that by the action of the uniting of the hearts of each chohan there was created a matrix of victory, a six-pointed star with Saint Germain in the center. The chohans used this thoughtform as well as the crystal heart chakra focus that was created during the New Year’s conference to “initiate a new spiral of love for the I AM Race in America and throughout the world.”

Each of the chohans raised this crystal chalice and heart chakra of love as their heartstreams connected and merged into a most holy offering to God. We are then each asked to “raise the chalice of [our] heart each day to offer something of love unto God. Then come what may in these challenging times ahead, [we] will always understand God’s purpose to love life through [us] in any and all contexts, in all manifestations through the creative principle of life lived to the glory of God.”

This message of love was concluded as Paul the Venetian from his etheric retreat in Southern France opened a “portal for the sacred flow of this love to be rekindled in Europe and throughout the Western Hemisphere.” We are admonished to “be merciful to one another even as love as the law of life within as the key to [our] divinity is fully manifest in [our] words, work and the wisdom of love in life.”