080519 Aries & Gautama's Wesak Address and Day 6 of our 8-Day Vigil for Elemental Life

Blessed Sylphs Write a New Law of Love-wisdom Across the Skies For the Sons and Daughters of God

The "mother spirit of the air," Aries, "flew in" this morning to impress upon us joy and lightness of heart and mind and asked us to bring cosmic joy to our brothers and sisters who may be burdened. "The key to your adeptship," she said, "is the spirit most holy animating that heart-mind connection whereby the frequencies of love-wisdom are always present within your aura and the balance that you have in thought and in the movement of the energies of God's feelings through your consciousness play out as beautiful renditions of co-creations of joy with the Divine One. As you muse on the divine world all around you, you can bring this beauty into greater physical manifestation through the joy spirit of a heart uplifted to God." Likewise, "begin to think anew thoughts of graciousness towards all life and when you catch yourself temporarily musing on lack or the seeming faults of others or of yourself take a deep breath, release those thoughts and feelings and allow the new stream and breath of the Godhead to be where you are as you ingest this new life of the Spirit." As she took her leave, Aries sang a song of gratitude: "Grateful are we for you, each one. Grateful, O grateful, O grateful light glow here. Glow there. Glow everywhere as love-wisdom globes arise to fill the skies. Many balloons of light now fill the atmosphere. And as you take your cosmic needle and pop them one by one, the earth will be suffused with your personal presence of joy." Click here to access the entire message and the morning vigil.


Gautama's Full Wesak Message of the Morning - Monday, May 19, 2008

Gautama Lays a Blanket upon the Grass and Invites Us to his Picnic

Peace flow. Shambhala radiance now glow within these, oh Lord, as the golden sunlight of Buddhic awareness emanations of the great central sun come here and impress the Mother flow to all. I represent the One, that one within you if you choose to be the One—the one eternal flame, the all-knowing fire, the ever-present spirit and the all-powerful virya of the hub. What is all this hub-a-baloo upon earth that we see as suffering, as the chaos in men's minds? I clear it now as I lay a blanket upon the grass as a feast of light for all. Come to my picnic and partake of light. Sing with the elementals, dance around the rosie light. Hold hands and feel the pulsation of the cosmic Buddhas whose mindfulness I receive on behalf of earth and whose radiance may be yours as your Heartstream merges with the One. Man has become as a porcupine and I would remove the quills of a defense that is no longer necessary and add the oil as I massage you, each one, in light. From a new point of holy being you may know God's love-wisdom. Be all who you are as the Buddha, as the Mother, as the One. The path is simple. Being. Knowing. Loving. Let the Buddhic way flow. Let your mindfulness grow. And let the Allness of the One bestow upon you day by day greater solar awareness, even as the smiles of all sons of heaven shine upon you. Yes, blessed ones, every star in the heavens is smiling at you, with you, for you. So smile as we partake of this holy feast of light at our picnic today. I will be with you throughout this Wesak day and night emanating from within each solar cell the Buddhic awareness which is already yours to bestow to all life. Be the bestowal always for me. This is my request and this is my bequest to each of you.

I love you, I am with you, I AM.

Messenger's comment : Gautama's picnic blanket covers the earth. It is quite a spread. If you thought Saint Germain was a master of precipitation, you should see Gautama.