080512 Lanello's Luminaries of Love-Wisdom

Opportunity Knocks for Each Disciple Each Day…

"…to be or not to be God in manifestation." Lanello comes this morning saying, "Many are called and few choose complete self-identification in God, yet these may follow many unique pathways to heaven's glory. And often it is the maverick, the outcast who embrace the true teacher and inner mentor."…Others, however, "would rely on truths spoken during previous generations but ignore the divine reason emerging in the chrysalis of the now."
Lanello speaks of "mindful engagement in a new heart revolution [which] keeps
the engines of Selfhood revving," as opposed to "rote recitation of mantras [which] snuff out the creative fires of the spirit." The Hearts Center movement, he says, is "a new beginning for those who are visionaries of the spirit, who would improve upon our previous foundation through an application of heart-wisdom now descending to Earth from cosmic spheres. It requires a magnanimous approach to life to change one's outlook and positioning, but this is the requirement of the hour.
"As the Aquarian waters drawn forth from cosmic urns begin to flow, vibration education will become the norm in this era. Spiritual processes of reconnecting with one's divine blueprint in joyful learning and practical exercises are the need of the hour."
Those who "continually question that which issues forth from our fount" are advised to "abide always in the love-fires of higher reason" and to be very careful about thoughts and feelings that come from the lesser self. "Make your purpose to serve God within all. For this truth shall set you free to soar with the eagle, Sanat Kumara." Lanello concludes his message with these loving words: "May my blessings sustain you and the magnanimity of Morya goad you higher, my friend."