080511 Maha Chohan on Pentecost

Realize Your Full Potential to Be God, Only God

On this day of Pentecost, the beloved Maha Chohan—the representative of the Holy Spirit for the Earth and her evolutions—came with fire and gentleness to “release within your aura the flaming fire of the cosmic dove which descends upon you as you are able to receive it this day for the empowerment of that who I AM and who you may be by God’s Grace.”

We are reminded that “the very living light of God’s glory is available” to us each day, and that as we “invoke the nine gifts of the Spirit and more” the presence of the Maha Chohan will assist us in “becoming the fullness of [our] own God-reality,” his presence “may flow through [our consciousness], [his] reality will be there to uphold [us] and to turn [us] away from any speck of darkness within [our] being, [so we may] attune to the highest co-creative possibility of the Godhood where [we] are.”

After urging us with great fervor to “arise into the fullness” of who we are, the Maha Chohan then came as a “gentle comforting presence to be with [us] in the stillness of silence.” We can know his presence “in the wind, in the omnipresence of nature, in the rippling of the water, in the singing of the birds, in the movement of the trees and in the gentleness of God’s presence within [our] heart.”

The Maha Chohan sealed his message this morning by asking all to “Come to Mount Shasta and receive of the liquid living essence of the beings [of the Seven Chohans], for [the Maha Chohan] will take all that they release, pouring it into the chalice of [our] being to make [us] whole once again in the whole I-Spirit.”