080511 Lanello on Mothers' Day

The Anointing of the Holy Spirit and of the Mother Light

Lanello's words came to us right at the six o'clock hour this Mothers' Day morning as Luminaries of Love-Wisdom. He began by speaking of himself as a child in his final embodiment praying for the Holy Spirit, feeling "the upsurge of light and of holiness" in his soul that led to his greater mission as a messenger for the ascended masters. And then he shared how the same "very personal way" of praying to the Divine Mother had brought David to his own anointing as a messenger to carry on the mission of the Mother.

"And it is fitting and apt that on this day, both Pentecost and Mothers' Day, that you understand the divine energies that may flow through your being when you activate certain innate frequencies of the Spirit and the Mother within you through constancy in your devotions and meditations, all opened through the portal of your heart." Within the Hearts Center the Mother established the daily giving of the rosary so that the tangible mantle of light, "a veritable garland of spiritual roses" upon our crowns would enable many of us to also be her representatives. Lanello reminded us "...how important it is to continue in [our] daily devotional renderings...focusing through the heart and breathing light in and out through this sacred center. The angels of the Buddha and the Mother come to those who understand this science and increase the light within [us]..." as we are able to receive, accelerate and distribute their divine love-wisdom energies.

"As an agent of both [the Holy Spirit and the Mother] I will lead you to the fount of wisdom, love and power within, for within your heart center is the key to unlock this stream of beingness and glory this day and every day."

Click here to access the replay of this entire HeartStream and the Family Service, which includes personal stories of the miracles of Archangel Michael and beautiful tributes to the mothers of many heartfriends in our community.