080517 Luara

Understand the Mystery of the Waters of Life

Flowing in a gentle stream of love this morning, Beloved Luara—Hierarch of the Water Element with her twin flame Neptune—enfolded us in the sanctity of the point of our “origin within the womb of the cosmic Mother,” so that we “may know surcease from all struggle and simply abide there oh so close to her heart….All of the qualities of the Mother’s heart are there for [us] to discern, to feel and to move within in [our] sacred meditation upon the beingness of her energy.”

We are reminded of the importance of caring for elemental life within the oceans, lakes, seas, streams, rivers and all bodies of water. If we simply take “the fish and other creatures without honoring their habitats and the processes of life” then we “set back the cycling of life within the four lower bodies of the earth…,then [we] will truly see how the earth itself will take back from mankind that which is not rightfully [ours] to have, as [we] have seen it manifest in what [we] have called ‘natural disasters.’”

In appreciation for our participation in this 8-Day Vigil for Mother Earth, Luara comments “Even as you have striven in this vigil to support the elementals and nature spirits they will come to your aid when you revere them, love them, pray for them and honor all that they do for the earth and for mankind.”

At the end of her message Luara returns to her meditation upon the “cosmic sea of the allness of the One,” and explains the value of our own meditation: “And as through your meditations you once again enter the sacred sanctuary that [the Mother] has provided for you within the flow of her being, then all that is true about you is nourished, all that is real is accentuated, all that is noble and holy is there fully for you to partake of as food for thought, food for the soul, food for your spiritual growth, your greater understanding of your mission, your very life and of why you were born in this world.”

Listen to Luara’s entire message and participate in day four of the Vigil for Mother Earth.