080508 Beloved Jasmine

The Fragrance of the Mother’s Heart

At the request of the elementals, Beloved Jasmine—the queen of the fragrance elementals and nature spirits—came this morning bringing “a new fragrance of the Mother’s heart” and “to urge mankind to learn a greater sensitivity to the beloved elementals throughout the world who serve [our] Mother Earth.”

As we are nearly on the eve of Mother’s Day, Jasmine asks us to “take time to meditate upon the Mother energies that flow in and through nature and the very body of the Earth Mother herself.” She reminds us that “the Mother is the chalice for the flow of all of the creative energies of the Father’s Spiritual fire manifest in form. And without her great brooding presence and willingness to bear his children [we] would have no life, no opportunity for spiritual evolution and self transcendence.”

The current flooding in the Far East and volcanic eruptions in South America are the “Mother’s attempt to once again bring balance and harmony to the earth, both deep within her core and then upon the surface of her very body upon which [we] live.”

Connect with the Elementals Each Day

We are asked to have mercy upon the Mother and her beloved elementals each day by our love of the Mother within us and within nature:

  • Resolve all within us that “has gone out of the way of love and harmony”

  • Emanate “perfect joy, appreciation and love for the Mother Light within the nature kingdom everywhere”

  • Walk upon the earth

  • Solar gaze with great devotion to the Source of all life

  • Grow and nurture plants

  • Appreciate the beauty and fragrance of each flower

Click here to participate in the morning prayer and rosary service and to listen to Jasmine’s entire message.