Beloved Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov came on the morning of July fifth.

“Blessed hearts, I would speak to you on the discipline of the Sun. Can you imagine the Sun undisciplined? I cannot. For I see the sun as the most disciplined one who emanates the perfect light, the heartstream of fire always.” He continued saying, that he had observed us and that for each of us, “There is much that needs to be improved in the discipline of your ability to hold light, to remain still and to be anchor points for us of the light of the Central Sun. You are not yet prepared for Alpha and thus I come with a crash course in discipline to bring unto you that which you are required to become in order that you will not be fried in the light of the great Master.”

He said that when we cannot maintain our stillness, most especially of the mind, then dissonance can emanate through us that can affect the entire atmosphere and aura of all there, of the room, and of the forcefield. “Imagine if Helios and Vesta decided to simply stop emanating. All life could cease in the solar system. The disciplines of the spirit require greater attunement, focus and stillness."

Omraam continued to instruct us “There is a time for movement and a time for complete non-movement. If you desire greater attunement with your source then you must enter into cosmic silence and stillness.” When we accumulate more fire and self-mastery day by day, then we are able to hold light within our aura. But when we allow our light to dissipate through unconsciousness, then we are constantly losing that which we have worked to gain, and we are not progressing on the path, as we should. He specifically mentioned needless talking, movements that are not conscious, and not allowing the Presence to enter our forcefields.

“Consider now, in your heart of hearts, what it is in your life and in your world, that allows the dissipation of the light that comes to you during your sacred times together and determine that you will change.” This mastery is necessary for ascended ones and must be gained here on earth or in the retreats, so the best thing we can do is to ascertain where we are out of alignment and correct ourselves. This allows us a greater mastery than we would have if Beloved Serapis had to correct us.

“Thus there is balance and what I am speaking on is the internal discipline that you must have even while maintaining that equipoise of joy, radiance and a fun loving spirit that may like Lanello or Fun Wey, joke around even while being in perfect alignment and attunement with your God self. This is my message to you blessed hearts, that I have been waiting to share for quite some time.” He also asked us to observe the discipline of the Vera Choir responding to their conductor with “perfect synchronicity,” as “the flowering of the spirit within to a heightened level of perfection and cosmic joy.”

In conclusion the Master said, “Although we have widened the door of opportunity for souls to receive these teachings, yet the initiations remain”. . .and “the inner disciplines have not changed.” “Had each of you entered into this cosmic Presence and employed the totality of your being, moment by moment, been attuned to the needs of the messenger for calls, protection, then Saint Germain and Hercules could have come on time last night. They are ready now, for I perceive that through my words and through a great welling up within you of God desire to be acceptable in the eyes of God, that you are ready now for the message of the Master, blessed hearts.”