070713 Igor from 070701

Holy Prayer Is the Need of the Hour across the Earth

On Sunday, July 1, beloved Igor came with a new distillation of the light of the mother, speaking of prayer and how we as individuals, as communities, and the world all benefit from it.

Many, he said, who formerly entered into daily recitations of their mantras have, because of the advance of materialism, ceased their daily time of communion with God. Yet, “there are many across this earth who have very little in the way of physical possessions and yet whose hearts burn and yearn for God.” As an example, Igor pointed to some of the devotees in Russia, and said, “Would that we could transport this level of intensity and devotion to many of our devotees in the West,” because the masters would like to use those who maintain their daily prayer time to accelerate the action of world transmutation through them.

Let Reverence Infuse Our Prayers

He reminded us that the “heart is the altar for that reverence that must be present when we pray,” and that entering into the stillness of God’s Being before we speak will allow a greater action of the light to flow through us to all life.

The Many Benefits of Prayer

When we come together for conferences and pray in greater numbers, beloved Igor told us that we may help “forestall great darkness and calamities upon the earth and assist greater numbers of mankind to awaken, to be quickened to receive the impulses of the spirit that will move them out of the domain of darkness and into the eternal light of God.”

Igor shared with us that he was privileged to be one who saw the need of the hour and acted, offering his life and heart to the blessed Mary. Because of this, she and many angels were able to work to prevent the slaughter of many. “Blessed ones, it may only take one in a city whose heart is afire—a pool of love—for that city to be saved.” ”

He said that as our batteries are charged day by day there can be a greater “flow-field” of light emanating through our being out into the world for many souls to feel and thereby receive the grace, the blessing and the currents of the masters’ love through us. “Have you not, each one, received in greater measure for the time spent in this sacrificial offering greater blessings in your world—the very dancing of the light in your aura, the joy, the vitality, the sure knowledge that you are a son or a daughter of God and that you can, through your ongoing vigil, truly attune to the very heartbeat of God and receive through those pulsations all that you need in your spiritual life and even in the physical?”

The Vows We Took...

He also reminded us that we took vows to maintain a holy vigil for the earth during this time of transition, of world change, and to be a point of light for the masters during this incarnation. He encouraged us to see what we can offer in terms of a slightly greater momentum of quiet time and prayer to God, saying that the benefits that will accrue in our causal bodies will directly, and in proportion to that which we give, be returned unto us. “For to those who have given, much more is bestowed.”

I Lay Down My Life

Igor told us that he, along with Kuan Yin, has taken the bodhisattva vow to stay here so long as there is one soul left who knows not the light of God within. “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. I lay down my life, the essence of who I am, for you this day.”