070725 K-17 from 070703

The Nature of Freedom

On the third of July during our Freedom Class, Beloved K-17 came to remind us to look within to understand the nature of our soul’s immortal birthright toward freedom, both politically and personally. “When a people sets forth through intention the great God-desire to establish a society whereby these freedoms are enshrined, not only in the hearts of man and woman, but in the very documents upon which that society is governed, then all of heaven takes note. For, blessed ones, we understand something of the nature of freedom itself, having loosed ourselves from the bonds of mortal existence and entered into the gates of the divine.”

And with his joy, also comes his warning of those “that move behind the scenes to carefully plan on a long term basis the subjugation of your souls” through “those specific line items within laws that have been passed in recent years that must be undone in order to safeguard the freedoms” that we take for granted.

K-17 specifically asks for us to “consider establishing a committee composed of a number of heartfriends, at least three to five, who will do the necessary research to understand the very laws of this nation.” He also states that “Unless and until there is a greater action of laser third eye focus in these matters, at times I am handcuffed in my ability to take action in the world of form to avert certain calamities.”

In order to protect our freedoms, K-17 needs us to pinpoint those specific areas that need our prayers and the intervention of the ascended masters. For increased discernment and more intense third-eye focus we are asked to request the aid of Lanello, Mary Wrobleski, Lady Kristine and Cyclopea. “If at times you do not fully understand what is taking place. . .as you commune with us we will give you the keys to the victory of your own soul as well as the victory of your nations.”

He advises us to become enlightened advocates of truth in a grass roots movement in order to prevent what might be unavoidably negative situations in our healthcare system and food supply. “When you feel the burning within your heart to declare the truth, then you must speak out. You must give your lectures. You must come forth and tell the people what is occurring.”

Yes, I serve in the Cosmic Secret Service. . . The information and the intelligence must come to the fore, so that the lightbearers can take action at all spheres. . .” within the giant network in heaven and earth in which the light collected from our concerted decrees and prayers may be given so “those who can do something about these problems have the knowledge, the foresight and the wherewithal to move into action on an instant’s notice to bring forth the answer to your calls.”

One can still feel his message as one of hope and victory because of his tremendous mastery at inner levels. His awareness, combined with the unity of the Brotherhood in heaven, compels us to join our hearts with his. “Know that God is real and that America, as the true Israel, the New Jerusalem, shall be victorious because of hearts of fire such as yours.”