070630 Freedom 2007

One of the Greatest Influxes of Light in 150 Years!

Yesterday morning, June 30th, while many were likely traveling to be part of the wonderful conclave of solstice light, the unascended master of the Himalayas, Babaji addressed devotees worldwide saying that Lord Krishna is pleased with our progress in becoming the Word. He also reminded us that it is imperative that we become the light of the Mother, saying that they, the unascended masters, come to radiate, by law, what they can, and that they stay [in embodiment] to be witnesses to the Mother Light…. The secret rays are an aspect of the light of the Mother…They must have a receptacle present for the coming of Alpha… Drink in the light of the Father/Mother God…and attune to the heartbeat of God.

Yesterday evening, the conference of The Alchemy of Eternal Youth in Freedom’s Flame officially began with welcomes from heartfriends Anita Wolberd, Janice Haugen, and the messenger, David Lewis, who ceded the floor to beloved Lanello for his great-hearted welcome.

Beloved Lanello came to infire us with new teachings and new radiance, saying that the “Age of divine reason is dawning”… that we can be everywhere and every time in the consciousness of God. Lanello encouraged us by saying there is nothing you cannot do if you believe in your God Self; and then he brought a chuckle to all when he said—as the great Nike God has said, ‘Just do it!’ …We will prepare for Alpha’s coming, and the earth will never be the same!”

Padre Pio then began his message saying that he was blessing each of us with the ruby cross. He also served holiest communion through our own God Self, which is the true priest of our own being. He revealed that his mission continues beyond the Catholic church to the company of saints East and West…that we honor all paths and never condemn others…that the ascended masters speak with one voice…and they require fiery ones who understand the importance of their every word, who will take them to heart and then go to fulfill all…Alpha could not come again unless there were some whose hearts would receive him.

So, as Lanello said, ‘Welcome, my friends. Welcome.”