The youth in attendance at Freedom '07 in Bozeman conducted the Sunday, July 1st Family Service. We heard this wonderful service replayed for this morning, July 22nd. It so beautifully encapsulated and carried the spirit of the event which could be aptly expressed in the words "A Little Child Shall Lead Them." It included presentations, singing, skits, prayers and a spirited interactive question and answer segment with the Messenger. Truly we heard wisdom from the mouths of these young ones, several of whom have already begun their own practice of sun gazing. Their segment concluded with the song "I've Got an Angel on my Shoulder" (Charley Thweat). Most of the youth were up in front moving and gestering and singing their hearts out. Gentle tears graced the cheeks of many in the room.
To crown this morning's broadcast, we were blessed with the replaying of the HeartStream given on Monday, July 2nd by Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus. A summary of their delivery follows here.
So began the address of Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, designed to literally cheer us on with their comfort and cosmic encouragement. Good cheer was known by all of us as we participated in the afternoon of fun and games, laughing as carefree children. As they spoke of their angels having been sent to us in advance of their coming, we began to understand the pivotal role they were playing in preparing the way for the coming of beloved Alpha and Omega. Referring to the child-like joy they had witnessed in our midst, they gave credit to these angels for giving us the opportunity to shed years of our life such that we could become as little children again.
"What will it take for you to become the eternal youth that you seek in God?" Saying that each of us must discern that for ourselves, he reminded us of the keys he has presented in his teaching on the ruby ray. When we serve "…with selflessness, in sacrifice to save sentient life, in complete surrender to the will of God" then the light flows through our offerings to others and we receive a charge of that eternal spirit as we strive as the young children do.
"Oh Holy Ones, we come from Venus to extend a helping hand to our friends upon the earth in preparation for Alpha's coming." Alpha would not take his usual side trip to Venus in advance but would come to us directly from the Great Central Sun because of the need of the hour upon earth for his "new blue energies of the divine resources of the spirit." Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus came for the greatest magnification of the light that could be allowed by cosmic law for the stepping down of the energies Alpha and Omega would bring to the earth.
It was their hope that we would rise in consciousness as we prepared for his coming but also toward the day of the very immortality of the earth itself as Freedom's Star. "For when a certain number step forward to declare their sonship, their daughtership with God, Heaven takes note. Dispensations flow. And the days are shortened for the elect, those who have elected to do the will of God and to fulfill their reason for being." As we have made the calls to "Raise the earth in sacred fire" legions of light from far-off worlds have streamed forth their cosmic rays to the earth and Alpha could not bear to stay away from the earth and from the devotees who have given their lives and fortunes toward the end of saving the earth itself. And thus he was coming to "spin the earth."
Long ago when Sanat Kumara made the commitment to bear the light for earth's evolution, Alpha took note and offered his services. But he was denied by great cosmic councils for it would have produced a major shift in the energies of the solar systems to which he was responsible. It was decided that it was enough for the dark star to receive the light energies of the 144,000 along with Sanat Kumara. Many of us "were among that company of saints." Now that Gautama has taken up the mantle and allowed Sanat Kumara to return to Venus, he was able to secure other dispensations for this galaxy and solar system and due to the stabilization that occurred in this area of the cosmos, Alpha was able to come and lend his momentum to us for the final victory. Such is the love of an Alpha and Omega to keep the flame for the numberless number of stars within their domain. As we honor them, even in the ritual procession that was prepared, we ennoble the great light of the one God that is then reflected back to us.
"When one among you stands as a Siddhartha or sits beneath the Bo tree to surrender all to God, when that enlightenment comes fully to that one, then each of us may step up in rank and in the hierarchical chain and thus spiritual evolution is ongoing and many more may follow the example of the one who has set forth through determination the example to be a Christ, a Buddha for all." As each of us attains to the level of an ascended master and then moves on to cosmic being, we will begin to understand more of what it means to be a cosmic bodhisattva not only for one planet but for great starry systems of worlds.
So Sanat Kumara and Venus did emanate and the earth received the pink corona of their love. . They braided the violet, pink and golden rays around the earth and at the level of the soul, all upon earth will be given the opportunity to bend the knee. All will have the opportunity to know of the appearance of Alpha and Omega.
"The day that you fulfill your reason for being will be a glorified day for the earth. And we see many more among you rising toward that final day in the not-too-distant future." As the HeartStream concluded, Sanat Kumara said that his son Gautama had taught us well. "Walk in the Light. Be the Light and the earth will know her victory." Then we were sealed with the love of all the evolutions of Venus who distributed letters of living love to each of us to be read as we took our rest that night. "May the Lord God Alpha and Omega seal you, even as we seal you with the Ruby Cross. God bless you. We bid you a fair adieu."