070723 Azzalea -
Archangel Uzziel’s Twin Flame Imparts Her Floral Essence and Her Name!
On the morning of July 3rd, heartfriends seated in a large circle gave their devotions to the angelic mothers of heaven through the ritual of the “Rosary of Faith.” Afterwards the Heartstream began and we were greeted by a “new” archeia, Uzziel’s twin flame, who revealed that her name is Azzalea. Acknowledging that when we name the choirs of angels specifically, as we do in this rosary, they “peek through the clouds…to see who it is that is praying so fervently to us.”
Azzalea explained that she and Uzziel have as their specific purpose the integrating of all the seven rays, focused through the eighth ray within us. They do this at many levels and work closely with those who understand the importance of the integration of the soul, such as counselors, teachers in higher education, ambassadors and those who represent their peoples in councils for the resolution of sometimes ancient conflicts.
“We come by dispensation for the integration of greater numbers of lightbearers upon earth,” she said. We were then invited to rise in spirit “to perceive from the Holy City how it is that there are many streams going forth through the various gates and though one may enter through one gate or through another, yet all are welcomed by the one God to the throne of his appearing. We desire each of you to be ambassadors for integration and unity among souls of light across the earth and therefore share the new message of unity among men and women of good will in all faiths and use this Rosary of Faith, sharing it with others to allow them to see the principles of unity and integration that, first and foremost, are those which are honored within this movement of the Hearts Center. There is no doctrine or dogma among the angels except love…”
In a very tender moment, Azzalea refreshed our souls with the scent of the archeiai’s choir as they sang to all life upon earth the melodies of the divine world. She then revealed that she and Uzziel work very closely with the Vera choir “whose voices do rise as one voice with ours to express the very glories of heaven.”
Uzziel and Azzalea’s Prayer
We were asked to, once more, as we did at the beginning of the conference, take the hand of the one to our right and to our left, “as Uzziel and I release now the integration power of the light of God that is always victorious. O mankind, know the unity of heaven this day. Put aside all that works toward the fractioning of the light. Stay centered in the divine within you and know through holy purpose the gifts of heaven that come to those who welcome each heart into their abode with grace, who through a hospitable nature give to those in need. Share your light. Share your love. Share your spirit of fire and let us see what we will see in terms of how quickly this earth will be changed from glory unto glory into a new, crystal golden age of love-wisdom. This is our prayer, O holy ones. Do not forget your station in life as angels, for many of you are of our bands, as you know… may your love grow in proportion to that which you receive and become in the presence of the angels.”