Freedom 2007--Happy Fourth of July!

A surprise heartstream brought joy to many Tuesday morning. The twin flame of Archangel Uzziel—Archeia Azzalea—revealed her self and name to us! She came to integrate the light of the seven rays within us and “for the integration of greater numbers of lightbearers upon earth who would put aside something of their own view, of their own opinions of whether this or that pathway is better.” So she asked us to be ambassadors for integration and unity among souls of light upon the earth, adding, “There is no doctrine or dogma among the angels except love. O mankind, know the unity of heaven this day. Put aside all that works toward the fractioning of the light. Stay centered within the divine.”

The next event was a most informative lecture on sun-gazing, delivered with great humor by the foremost expert, Hira Ratan Manek, or HRM. He explained the process, making the important point that gazing at the sun within the first hour after sunrise or the hour before sunset was not at all harmful to the eyes. In fact, it is highly beneficial to the system because of the effect the sun's rays have on the pituitary, pineal, and other glands, which then affect the entire system. HRM said that we should begin by looking at the sun for just ten seconds and then add ten seconds each day. He said that after three months practice we would have mental peace and wellness, which is the key to the healing of many issues. Many people have claimed healing from the sun, even from difficult healing challenges such as cancer. It was a most interesting and inspirational message. If you’d like more information, see www.sungazing.com.

Next, a heartfriend recounted her experience of having been in a coma for four months. During this time, she weighed the pros and cons of staying in embodiment or moving on to other octaves of light. She also experienced during this time the attempt by dark forces to take over her body, and the repelling of these forces by the prayer service of light given by local heartfriends. It was a very compelling story, and as the messenger stated, a great reminder to not discount people whose bodies are in a vegetative state.

Then K-17 gave a dictation, which reflected much concern about the encroachments upon our freedom and destiny, saying that the Great White Brotherhood sees the attack from within as even greater than that threatened by so called terrorists. K-17 requested our calls and decrees and ongoing vigils to meet head-on the forces of darkness that move in the night and that assail “foundational laws and freedoms that have been placed there by many who strove with all of their minds and hearts to set forth these principles and values for your society.” So K-17 asked for a committee of heartfriends to do the necessary research on issues threatening these freedoms, that there might then be “the laser action of the light to pierce through and consume these threats.”

The final dictation for the day was from our beloved Bapu, dearest El Morya, whose message was in the form of a solemn ceremony. During this, he presented to his own beloved master, the Elohim Hercules, all that had been done by heartfriends to fulfill the labors assigned to us by beloved Hercules. He spoke of the “audacity of these souls for the light and what they have accomplished,” saying that “truly it is a day in cosmic history that a remnant has come forth to fulfill the Will of God, not only in word, but in deed.” He anchored a rod of fire to magnetize within this valley a greater action of light for the fulfillment of cycles.

He spoke of the children in our midst, who offered long ago to embody in these families, noting that their missions are just beginning and that their divine plans were hovering in their auras. “See what it will mean to this planet when their missions are completed.” Beloved El Morya then turned and knelt through the messenger, asking for the blessing of Hercules on behalf of all. Then he, in turn, blessed each one of us with his “touch upon the crown,” which the messenger smilingly described as a ‘bop’ on the head. “I am El Morya. I love you with all of my being and shall always love you so long as you love God first.”

Happy Fourth of July! It’s Karmic Board Letter Day!