070726 El Morya (from 070703)
Step by Step We Move. Prayer by Prayer We Build.
Assignment by Assignment Fulfilled We Ascend the Stairway to Heaven.
On the evening of July 3rd, during our Freedom Conference, beloved El Morya opened his remarks with an expression of “great gratitude for all that [we] have done to fulfill the labors of Hercules*.” Standing in front of the altar replete with our offerings, El Morya presented “each and every one of these completed projects and assignments” to his guru, the Elohim of the First Ray, beloved Hercules. Morya called it “truly a day in cosmic history that a remnant has come forth to fulfill the will of God not only in word but in deed.”
Morya continued saying that “A certain cycle of light is fulfilled this day in answer to the call of the Great White Brotherhood, for this movement has been firmly established upon the solid rock and foundation of these hearts one with thee.” With the fulfillment of these four labors, The Hearts Center has set forth a certain quotient of its divine plan.
O the Children!
This July class was dedicated to the children, and El Morya commented upon the light blazing in the auras of those children who were present “see their missions just beginning and see the divine plan hovering within their auras, and what each one will mean to this planetary home when that mission is completed.”
Morya also acknowledged the joy and sacred camaraderie displayed in the light in the eyes and the “fohat of union” of all present.
A Rod of Fire of the Will of God Anchored in the Gallatin Valley
El Morya then anchored “a rod of fire as an electrode of the Will of God to magnetize within this valley a greater action of light for the fulfillment of cycles.” Morya said that this rod of fire, together with the 24/7 emanations of the sacred Cosmic Violet-Ray Generator of Light that was placed in the Gallatin Valley a year and a half ago, there would be a greater electrode of light to magnetize many more souls not only to this valley but also to the teachings of the ascended masters.
El Morya Asks for Hercules’ Blessing on Behalf of Each of Us
Speaking with great love and humility, all were moved to the depths of their hearts as Master Morya requested blessings and grace from the Elohim Hercules to be bestowed upon each one of us. Asking for us each to be brought into “the perfect alignment with holy purpose within [our] personal evolution;” the making “straight the pathway of light within” through self correction and through sacrifice, surrender, selflessness and service; and, for the greater attainment available to each of us “in the light from [our] own causal body for [our] use in all assignments and projects to come.”
El Morya then kneeled before his guru Hercules, saying: “Bless me, O Lord, so that I may bless all with your light and love. Bless me, O Father, with your Spirit so that by and thru that Spirit all may know that perfect and Holy Will that you are and who I AM. I declare it for these until they are fully able to declare it for themselves. This is my prayer, this is my Beingness offered to you. Bless me O Lord, bless me.”
An Hour of Joy
&nsp; Concerned that his solemnity would be misunderstood, Morya declared that this was truly an hour of joy, and that he desired to bless each one of us with the “essence of Hercules’ blessing upon him, extended unto each of us through his touch on our crown “for [our] repose in and of the Spirit this night.”
Morya sealed us with his love saying “I love you will all of my being and shall always love you so long as you love God first.”
*Morya was referencing the four labors Hercules gave The Hearts Center on July 4, 2006 to complete by July 4, 2007.