070717 Afra from July class
Beloved Afra's Praise and Assignment
During the Freedom Class, on Monday, July 2, Beloved Afra spoke to us in his deep, deep voice. He said, “I have been in communion with the Maha Chohan and I come this evening to dispel the darkness across this land as well as all lands where my people dwell. You see, blessed ones, I was there with Moses when he spoke to pharaoh to ‘Let my people go!’ And it is even so in this hour that the call through your heart must be sent forth to let all people, who are bound by their own lower nature, to go forth victorious in the light.”
He continued with accolades for those who completed the Afra booklet. “I am pleased with the work of those who have prepared lovingly for my coming by fulfilling the assignment given by Saint Germain and me.” He said that when a few step forward. .."then we, the ascended masters, enter the scene and add the momentum of the God-power and the God-freedom that we have become, such that the victory may be had. Blessed ones, it takes only one or two to step forward with a sense of God-direction, with a sense of mission to accomplish miracles upon earth." He continued, “I would see more step forward, as the few have done to propel this civilization into a higher culture, such as the one that was seen seventy thousand years ago."
We Are All Brothers and Sisters
Afra also told us that he had set his forcefield there in our sanctuary in preparation for Alpha’s coming. “For you see, blessed ones, long, long ago we knew that this dispensation would come forth and you knew it also and therefore you embodied to be upon the earth in this crucial hour, to be representatives for the Universal White (and black-skinned) Brotherhood. And whether you are of the yellow, red, white, polka dot or black race it does not matter, for as has been said we are all brothers and sisters.”
Our Assignment
Beloved Afra commented again on the booklet prepared for him, “Think of what work could be accomplished through the same matrix of focus, for each project within this activity of light that you desire to accomplish.” He then gave each of us an assignment, “Each of you is assigned to do something for God in a tangible manifestation as a witness to the divine light lived upon earth. And come next Freedom Conference, 2008, we expect to see volumes of new publications, bookracks of CDs and DVDs available . . .”there is magic in the air, you must precipitate it in your hands and make it real magic in time and space. Why the ethers are brimming with cosmic light substance and true alchemists of the spirit are those who can not only sense the diadems of fire that vibrate in the etheric plane, but who have the mastery to bring them forth in these sacred works, these sacred tomes of light, these sacred works of art, beauty and consciousness in your world.”
In conclusion the Master said, “When you love enough, anything is possible unto you, but often that love requires the full submission of your lower nature on the altar such that the divine commission of your higher nature may manifest through your alchemical works. Remember this; remember the words of the Master Alchemist. Study that which he has set forth. And precipitate, precipitate, precipitate Light! Light! Light! where you are.”