070717 Kuan Yin from 070702
You are Worthy to be a Fount of Mercy
Kuan Yin came early Monday morning, July 2, during Freedom 2007 “with a new essence of mercy to impart to [us] in the stillness of [our] meditation upon the deepest levels of beingness within.” Only by going to the depths of love can we ascertain the core of mercy in the flame of God within us. Then we can offer the oil of mercy to others.
To offer mercy to others, we don’t need to be in the physical presence of another. “But, through attunement with my heart you may offer the mercy oil unto the soul of that one even while engaged in deep meditation upon your Buddha nature and the Buddha nature of the other.” Our devotion is the oil to be given to areas that need compassion. “For, the divine solution to all conflict resides within the oil of mercy within each heart” and the amount of light given depends on the level of oil garnered within our chakras.
As “the Buddhas and bodhisattvas of heaven come to stream their consciousness unto you as [we] give [our] Golden Buddha Rosary” and our other prayers, we are each asked to be a crystal vessel for the oil of mercy. “For you never know where the oil may be required to save a soul, to save a city or even a nation.”
Kuan Yin receives many prayers, but she is most grateful to those who understand the science of mercy and of how to be a bodhisattva with her each day. The path of mercy is simple to those who attune with her heart. “I will be there to speak loving words, kind thoughts, uplifting messages to the children and to the world through your voice of mercy.”