070727 Mother Mary

To Know, To Dare, To Do, and To Be Silent

On July 4th, Mother Mary gave sweet darshan on the subject of keeping our sacred experiences of the Spirit within our hearts instead of sharing them with others. “To know, to dare, to do, and to be silent” was the adage of wisdom schools throughout history, and Mother Mary reviewed these four points, again placing them on the Cosmic Clock.

She said To Know, on the three o’clock line, is to have understanding “through direct gnosis and personal experience…to fully enter into the divine world.” To Do on the nine o’clock line is “to fulfill that which you have been instructed by your own divine Presence to accomplish in the world of form. Taking action when you hear the word of God resonating within your heart is a must for servitors of the Spirit.” She also explained that during the daring on the six o’clock line, before the doing on the nine, there is the gathering of the emotional energies, which give the impetus of fire for the fulfillment of that Word. Then when our work is fulfilled on the twelve o’clock line we enter again into the Presence of stillness where God abides “to receive the next assignment, the next message of hope, the next directive of God within that will move you, cycle by cycle, into a higher awareness, a higher consciousness, a higher orbit in life.”

There Are Cycles That Must Be Fulfilled!

“Thus,” she continued, “there are cycles within your life that must be fulfilled before the next cycle ensues and proceeds in an ordered divine matrix in the 33 spirals of initiation towards your ascension. And where you may have left off or not fully accomplished an assignment in a past embodiment or this one, you are given opportunity to accomplish these, within each succeeding spiral, as the spiral tightens internally and widens externally simultaneously as you enter into cosmic consciousness, in the divine effulgence of God.”

The Science of Silence

Mother Mary then explained that the reason she was bringing this to our attention is because there has been a tendency on the part of heartfriends to share some of the most intimate, personal, divine experiences to the point where there is the diffusion of the radiance of these holy moments of our lives, and that some of these must only be maintained within our hearts. So she came at the behest of El Morya to share with us the new instruction for this movement of light—that from this day forward we should write down our personal experiences, even after each dictation. These writings could be for our own meditations, for the day of our own soul development during trials and testing, and for the day of their publishing. But the masters will no longer be advocating a general sharing in the way that has occurred in the past.

She went on to explain that this practice was established initially for the purpose of helping many to see the veracity and viability of this dispensation and to give hope to many who might have had doubts as to the presence of the Masters in our midst. “But now in this hour that you see the great flowering of this dispensation, and feel the radiance that we bring to bear in our discourses and dictations with you, there should be no longer any doubt as to the truth that Morya, Lanello, and Mother and all sponsoring masters offer you day by day of the higher teaching that we deliver.”

A Witness as a Focal Point of Light

Then, having given this teaching, Mother Mary invited her “daughter to share a witness and a testimony unto this body that shall be a focal point of light, for it is true and real, and I sanction it in this hour such that those of you who hear this message or any dictation shall no longer have any doubts as to the long-term planning for this dispensation and movement, blessed ones.”