Freedom ’07 Continues… and Begins Anew!
We are pleased to announce that the first five days of Freedom '07 are now available as replays. To access them just choose the broadcast/audio button and click on the Replays submenu. Yesterday our newsflash reported that the Brotherhood has asked that the Heartstreams from the conference be played in order, one at a time, during the morning broadcast. And a summary of each one will be posted as the newsflash for the day. During this time the Messenger will be in seclusion, giving all of us the opportunity to more fully assimilate what we have received.
As many of you know, the labors we were given at Freedom ’06 were met to the tune of 91% for which Hercules was very grateful. He described the next year of labors by saying the four words, Media! Media! Media! Media! We will have an insert for these labors very similar to the one which we have been giving after the preamble of so many of our prayers. Watch for it to be posted soon on the broadcast page.
The Next Meru University Class To Begin on the First Monday in August
The God and Goddess Meru with the Messenger David Lewis, Dr. Celeste Miller, and Paul Haugen will be teaching on the training of esoteric love-wisdom teachers. Through the class, students will be helped to develop teaching materials and modules for “heartreach” (outreach) which are in alignment with the Plan for the New Way of Lanto and the God and Goddess Meru. We have all been called to teach and therefore are encouraged to mindfully consider taking the class. A full description of the course will soon be posted on the home page of our website and registration will then be available through our bookstore.
It’s Not Too Late to Reserve a Spot for the European Pilgrimage in October
There is also a very special Meru University class in Advanced Healing which will be given by Hilarion while we are under his retreat on the island of Crete. This class, along with the Fall Harvest Conference, will be a part of the upcoming European Pilgrimage. There are still spots available for those who are hearing the call to be a part of this journey of love. In addition to our time on the island of Crete, we will also have several days with expert tour guides both in Italy and in Greece. See the whole wonderfully full itinerary which begins with our departure on October 9th and concludes with our return on October 22nd. Scroll down the homepage or click on the events tab on the left side of the Hearts Center website. The first deadlines have been extended, and we hope to welcome more pilgrims to come with us on this trip.