“Ah, the radiant heart! I see your heart this evening. And I welcome each of you as a heartfriend, a friend of old or a new friend. It does not matter, for truly, blessed ones, in this hour we are one.” With such generosity of spirit, the Master Lanello initiated our Freedom Conference 2007 dedicated to the “Alchemy of Eternal Youth in Freedom’s Flame” and to individually greet each and everyone who made the trek to Bozeman or who was listening on the internet broadcast.
“…Youthfulness has always been available to you through joy, through a pliant heart, a youthful spirit.” The light energy of joy, of the victory consciousness shines as the light of ten thousand suns just above you. The divine world is now ours to inhabit in even greater measure because we have striven to come to this conference and because of our oneness with Lanello. “An age of divine reason is dawning. And the reason for man’s being upon this earth to live as a Sun Presence of light is coming to the fore.” Yes, it is exciting to have the availability of our own Solar Presence to live a life of meaning and of service! We are not limited by time and space, but can be everywhere and “every time” in the consciousness of God. We can witness the birth of solar worlds and send love-wisdom to each sentient being through just a five-minute meditation on the One. There is nothing that we cannot do if we just believe in our God Self! “Just do it!” Lanello commands!
“And so, we will prepare for Alpha’s coming! For as has already been said, the earth will never be the same.” Lanello intimates the forthcoming activities for the week—the dancing and singing and jumping with Shiva into which we can pour our great love fires. And he adds cosmic pulsating starry energy through our linked hands and hearts so we can prove the law of our own being. “Witness to that which God can be within you right here and now and day by day in your ministrations to life.”
We sing of thee throughout the day, throughout the night… Lanello then gives a most beautiful prayer on our behalf, its very essence establishing a new inner center of freedom from the past with the frequencies of the violet laser light. “Support, uphold and embolden these, your sons and daughters, O God, with a newfound spirit of cosmic joy.” He invoked our communion with God, the masters, angels and nature spirits as together with them we “sing of thee throughout the day, throughout the night…” Lanello concludes by declaring, “I commence that which will shine forth from this place, throughout this valley and far beyond as a witness to all life that God is real, that God is here, that God is true within these hearts of fire. Welcome, my friends, welcome!”