070625 Faith -

Faith in God Can Be For You the Keystone That Launches You Unto Your Victory

      Archeia Faith greeted us this morning "Gracious ladies and gentlemen who are preparing for the great and notable day of the Lord, I am come as your Faith with Archangel Michael and our legions and we fan the flame of faith throughout the earth, which can move mountains through your attunement with your own God Presence. . . . "

     "Faith in God can be for you the keystone that launches you unto your victory, if you would have it, blessed ones." She said, when we call upon Archangel Michael and his legions in great attunement and love, that this can be "the x-factor of Maximus" that maximizes all that we say and decree such that our words, being true as we live in the "reality of the new blue light of love can cause cosmic change in this world instantly in the twinkling of an eye." She said that without belief in God then God cannot act through us, but as we believe and accept that God is where we are, then all that we seek to accomplish may be so.

Call Upon Archangel Michael and Faith

      "We, the archangels and archeiai, stand in the presence of the great God of very Gods, and declare his presence to all where we appear, where we wing our way to a soul here and there, who through holy prayer does invoke our presence." Beloved Faith reminded us that some of us only call on Archangel Michael and Faith when we get into our vehicles or "for a short time in the morning." She asked us "would you have the power of Faith and of Michael's presence with you always and a determined spirit to be for God anchor points of the presence of power where you are? If it would be so for you, then stand in this hour and place your feet firmly upon the earth and declare with me:"

     "Oh Lord God Almighty, I stand this day in the full presence of your love to declare this day, my sonship, my daughtership with you for the fulfillment of my mission upon earth this day and for the victory of the will of god in action here and now. I accept your presence O lord where I am, for and on behalf of all evolutions of light on earth. This is my fiat to thee, O my God, for I know that you are real where I am and that by thy grace and only by thy grace it is so."

      Beloved Faith also told us that the Rosary of Faith is key for each of us to key into the presence of the archangels and archieai. She said that if we could see the spiritual work that is accomplished each time, we would give it often.

      "I come to declare the living God in your midst, even as Paul declared that living presence of the Lord to the Athenians. May you declare it unto all life where you live, such that your life being blessed and having the full reality of meaning, may be for the earth a witness to God's holy purposes through his sons and daughters. I seal you in my wings of blue, O hearts of fire, O sons and daughters of faith. I thank you."