Mother Mary Comes Early Today to Deliver Greater Understanding of the
Deeper Mysteries of Life Upon the Earth

Reminding us that she has heard our calls and hearts’ concerns for life in the human realm, Mary assured us that even before we have cried out for help, angelic beings have already begun to craft an answer. They are honored to serve the souls of all of God’s children. And because we have set forth in our worlds a time to commune with the heavenly host, they also have set aside a stream of their own consciousness to be one with us in our early morning hours and whenever we desire to commune with them. Thus the answers that quell distress, mollify and mitigate pain and anguish can be delivered not only at the soul level, but in the very physical manifestation of life where we live and move.

I Come Today with a Plea from the Archeiai”

They ask us to discern how we may lift the burden of a soul here or there through physical service to life. We may visualize and see great manifestations of light occurring during our prayer services. But just as there are holy orders whereby sisters of charity care for the very physical bodies of those whom they serve, we also need to give the gift of our own givingness by serving in some manner the physical needs of others. When we are dressing wounds or cooking, caring for children, even cleaning or making all fresh and new in the spirit of purity, “…there is in a way an even greater action of light” because we leave the light essences of angelic presences through the work of our hands where we are in time and space. And instantly we accrue the good karma even as we do in the giving of our spiritual prayer services.

There is Deep Respect for Those Who Attend to These Physical Realities

So Mother Mary brought comfort in this teaching today for those who would attempt to serve more in the giving of their voices in the spiritual services, but because of the need to serve family or community, can give but little more. She said that there is just as great a need for those attending to these realities as there is for those of you who live and move in higher dimensions “…in your meditations and services.” It is the mystery of the interplay of the alpha and the omega. Alpha streams forth through the mind and third eye and the upper chakras, while Omega is resident physically in the lower chakras in tangible service to life. Heaven respects the work of all.

Special Blessing of Angelic Grace is Given for All Embodied Angels,
According to Their Giving and Their Great Love

Doting upon our souls, Mother Mary finished her discourse with us by reminding us of how very much she loves us and how important are our simple acts of kindness and simple prayers. They are seen and heard and acted upon by the angels of healing, of mercy and of love. She promised to be with us, even in the dark night before the hour of our resurrection. She spoke of how she was with Jesus in spirit in his darkest hour and held the light for the victory of his soul. And she will also hold this light for each one of us. In her final words she affirmed: “I AM Mary, mother ray of hope and healing for a world.”

A Stupendous Action of Cosmic Radiance to Magnetize the Youth

As many of us in The Hearts Center are calling to Hercules day by day for all that we need to complete the labors he has given us, it is no surprise that the light released from Rex during this morning’s service was for magnetizing many more of the youth unto this movement. The very words of this dictation were spoken with the profound, concise language and power of a king of light, which befits the name of Rex. He spoke of the preparation at many levels for Alpha’s coming and for the great conveyance of light during Freedom 2007 in Montana. To this end was the light anchored in the heart chakra of America where the youth of Chicago’s Hearts Center were conducting the Family Service and preparing the way for this extraordinary message from the heart of Rex, one with the hearts of his sister Nada and their mentor Saint Germain.

Many Ascended Masters Who Work with the Youth Are With Us

These masters are overshadowing many who are working to prepare the program and various offerings that will be given unto us for the greater enlightenment of the youth within this movement and all ascended master movements. Rex spoke of the history of the involvement of the confraternity of the Brotherhood in the evolution of mankind going back eons, even unto the days of Atlantis and before and their work with Saint Germain who has been working at the forefront for the advance of civilization since he came with Sanat Kumara so long ago. Great deference was given to Saint Germain as Rex spoke of the profound ways Saint Germain has given an impetus of fire and instruction for the soul evolution and acceleration in consciousness of many, namely the teachings on the I AM that I AM and on the violet transmuting fire. We would do well to take the new materials and understanding of the laser action of this ray into the educational systems of the earth.

It is Time for the Youth to Have Opportunity to Deliver What They Have
Brought from the Heaven World

The youth have a fresh outlook and a new approach having so recently descended from etheric octaves with new glimpses from God of how to advance in science, religion, industry and education. Just as the twelve-year-old Jesus delivered wisdom to the elders in the temple and as the young Francis Bacon set forth great advances in teaching, literature and science, many of the current ascended master youth among us have keys for the acceleration of light within this movement. So there must be opportunity provided for the conveyance of their wisdom in planned activities discourses and services, giving the masters who understood the science of the spirit at an early age the instruments to deliver instruction to many heart friends the world around.

Take to Heart What You Will Be Given during the Freedom Conference

Rex adjured us to study what has already been given and that which will be released on the sacred science of emanation and that which is being prepared even now for our use. We should master the teaching and know it inside and out, up and down, then convey it to many using our own creative hearts to bring forth an ordered matrix. God is continually self-transforming and self-evolving. In order for the ongoingness of this evolutionary process to occur, the impulses of the spirit must continue to flow through us. We mustn’t get stultified in one particular aspect or view of life or of the path. Some need to let go of outmoded methods that no longer work in the context of the current hour. The Masters are working assiduously from their realm to bring currents of illumination’s flame as well as the action of the Holy Spirit so that we can progress with the current heartbeat of the Lord. Thus we can create meaningful, practical workshops and lesson plans to spread even into the school systems for new levels of spiritual understanding to be reached, new understanding that we have gained. We were directed to use all that we are creating wisely and to convey it in practicality and in holy love to the students of the light.