070615 Gabriel -

Know GR-A-C-E at All Times!

Beloved Archangel Gabriel addressed us this morning as “Blessed Initiates of the Sacred Fire," and spoke about how to “live within the spirit and yet abide in the flesh simultaneously.” He came to give us the “keys to open this sacred door through a greater awareness of harmony.”

Be ALL of the Superconscious -- Pure Light, Pure Energy, Pure Joy!

He observed that currently mankind is not always aware of what is acting in his world, for his outer awareness is often only a slice of the greater consciousness that we have termed the Superconscious, which is the “core of who you really are as pure energy, pure light, pure being.” But, he said, by intuiting how the angelic hosts operate, we can allow for both the Alpha and Omega energies to be in constant flux and flow without interruption. The angelic hosts know at all times what is acting in and through their being as well as in the planes of being through which they move.

The Practice of Presence, Meditation, and Sacred Comtemplation

To enter into the stream of God’s awareness, you must be in both a focused and yet a relaxed state of being. This is the balance of the Alpha and Omega that the saints and mystics have attained to through the practice of Presence through silent meditation and sacred contemplation upon the One. And this is the state of awareness that we live in at all times, even when carrying out the divine directions from the Superconsciousness that is the Creator itself.”

God is always present where you are, but you do not always feel, discern or know the fullness of the light of that supernal beingness because of temporary lapses in your memory of the divine within. And so, I come this day to give you a greater impulse of light energy of harmony to move you into the playing field of God’s awareness such that you can more easily attune to the movements of the eternal stream within you.”

He said that although many of us have ‘touched the garment’ of divine gnosis, or Samadhi or enlightenment, it is time for us to move into the “field of being” in such a way that this awareness may be ours at any time and at any place.”

Strive To Know Grace At All Times

Blessed ones, grace is the great, activating, creative energy of the spirit that is the essence of the fourth ray, whereby the ascension currents from your Presence may begin to flow, to engulf you and to ultimately lift you off this planet into the divine experience forever.” I urge you to live in grace, to strive to know grace at all times.”

As he finished addressing us, Archangel Gabriel said he trumpets the present reality of who we are in God again and again until we hear this “clarion call and once and for all enter the doorway of light to live as God-realized ones.”