070622 Hope -

Hope in the Eternality of the Now

Dearest Hope (with thousands of her angels present) spoke lovingly to us this morning of the importance of hope in the eternality of the Now. “For when you bring hope into your own heartstream of oneness with the Divine, then all that you seek in the way of the future attainment is dissolved, and the duality of seeing yourself separate from God is no more.”

Meditate Each Day on the Happiness of God

Do not look outside of yourself to another, to an institution, even to a guru for that which would in your own mind” give you a sense of completeness. She said that even though this may be a very intense paradigm shift for many, we must begin "to perceive from a sense of holy oneness in the Spirit" so that we may move into the universal consciousness of oneness with our Presence. “Therefore take time each day to meditate on the happiness of God in hope. For when hope lives within your heart, there is a smile of peace in your world; for you know that all things are possible in God. All things are probable when the God-flame burns within you, and all things simply are—when you have become God.”

Affirming "I and My Father Are One" Is Key to Your Evolution

The point where you declare to the universe that you are one with God is a key in your evolution. For from that point of the fiat of oneness the entire universe comes to serve you to fulfill your word, the mandate that you have declared and averred to all.” Thus when Jesus said, ‘I and my Father are one,’ the full light of his Presence was born within his soul. And all of the angels of heaven and the silent watchers were witness to this divine declaration, and all came to his aid to fulfill the word that he had become.”

Beloved Hope reminded us that we must reinforce this statement of identity day by day “through a conscious application of that Word.” Otherwise, “because you live in time and space, which is dualistic in nature, there will be the sloughing off of that reality unless you reclaim it and become it each time you awaken in the morn, each time you stand before the sun of your own Presence to re-declare that you are a son or a daughter of the one God.”

A Great Opportunity for the Daily Application of the Word

We were also reminded of the great opportunity to enter into this divine relationship through our prayer vigils and sessions. “For there is a reconnection with the Spirit; there is a daily offering of self upon the altar of the heart when at sunrise or earlier you awaken and begin your mindful meditation and recitation of the word. But do not forget, blessed hearts, that words in and of themselves will not accomplish this for you. Only when that word that flows through you is attuned to the word of God will it have the power to change you from glory unto glory, such that hope in its full manifestation may be a reality for you here and now.”

Beloved Hope told us that the angels of the variegated light essences of heaven fulfill the word as we speak it when we are co-creators with God. She said that the angels answer the call even before it is uttered!

Be A Silent Watcher, Loving All Life Free!

As many among mankind are now coming into the spirit of oneness, we were asked to not judge whether another is living in this presence of wholeness, but to simply be as a silent watcher, “loving all life free, training the all-seeing eye of God within you unto the single point of perfection in hope that all is well, that all is real, that all is God.”

She suggested that it would be good to have discussions and discourses on how we occasionally lapse into our dualistic nature, role-playing on how this occurs in order to plant seeds of determination to help us maintain alignment with the Divine Self. “The oneness of living in the white light that is hope may be key for you in this hour.” For as there is the dissolution within us of all dualism, we may enter “back through those rays into the prism to the point from which the white light did originally pierce into time and space and follow that ray back to the Divine, the Eye of God, into Holy Oneness once again. So enter the stream of being and live forevermore as light, light, light. I am Hope. All is possible in hope for nothing exists outside of that oneness.”

Messenger's Comments

After the heartstream from beloved Hope, the messenger welcomed the God-harmony light of Cancer and said to “Expect that you will have the supply that you may have sought or are continuing to seek in your alchemies. Expect it, believe in it, have hope in it, have faith, give charity to others; and that abundance, that supply, that radiance, that alchemy manifest for you will be so. Without harmony, there is no full manifestation of abundance.” He also asked us to pray without ceasing this day for one among us for whom this day is very important with a certain legal challenge and opportunity regarding a matter that will not only assist this one but assist all of us in many ways when this victory is fully realized.