070613 Mother Mary/Raphael

Discourse on Healing by Mother Mary

Mother Mary tells us today, that there is a quicker action of healing when there is acceptance that we are already whole. It is a matter of accepting our wholeness totally in all dimensions and in all planes of consciousness, in the etheric, mental, emotion and in the physical planes including the physical body. If we only accept mentally, and we do not do those things such as changing our diet and eating habits that will anchor the healing physically for us, then we have not fully accepted or had faith at all levels of our being.

Begin with the Action of Dynamic Decrees

For many of us, ancient habit patterns from past lives are grooves that actually bond their momentums into the etheric, mental, emotional planes. They can have a tight grip on us. The dynamic prayers we give in The Hearts Center act with a laser-like action of light, piercing those momentums that have a stranglehold on us, and then shatter, consume or dissolve them such that they no longer have a grip on us.

Become Friends with your Body Elemental

When we employ the totality of the natural healing modalities, such as diet, exercise, fresh air, sunlight and pranayama, we give our body elemental a greater opportunity for full acceptance of our healing at all levels. We need to respect and understand the work of our body elemental. The body elemental is like a little version of us, very childlike, and may actually look as we looked when we were a young child of about 4-6 years of age. If we are happy and joyous and we work with this beautiful little person, a representative of our soul and childlike spirit—who is God within us—there can be an extra action of light and radiance around us. It is like having a best friend with whom we can confide, talk with, and share our path of personal healing.

Visualization for Eternal Youthfulness

Place a picture of yourself on your personal altar or in your prayer book when you were four or five years old. Visualize concentric rings of emerald fire, starting from in our heart’s center as pure white. Then see emerald light in pastel radiance gradually increasing in density and hue of color in layers until the outer layer is a very dense in color and very vibrant and bright emerald light. Within these various concentric rings there are also the secret rays swirling and manifesting their radiance in vibrant spheres of energy around our entire form. If we would continue this visualization, even for 3-5 minutes, we new aspects of our eternal youth will be brought back to bear in our world and consciousness, such that we will have a new joy in our step, a shedding of the weight and density of karmic patterns and the sense of burden and anxiety.

“I Come to Stir the Waters for the Healing of Your Souls”

Beloved Archangel Raphael came this morning to stir the waters for the healing of our soul. “There is a stream from the heaven world that flows ceaselessly unto you from your presence known as the crystal cord. And yet there may also be a stream from Earth to heaven through your devotion such that there is a never ending flow betwixt the divine and the human, until one day there is no more human left, but only the eternal flow of Oneness of the divine where you are.As co-creators it has always been God’s desire that as he gave birth to you so you would continue the birthing process by living in the liquid light-love of this stream that is God. The archangels come to prick mankind to higher awareness.”

The One Stream of God’s Light

“Though we refract various manifestations of God’s awareness of himself as healing or ministration or love or protection, wisdom or alchemy, we are all of the one source that is God, and not divided. Though we may bring to bear in your world a greater aspect of the ray upon which you primarily serve, yet within the radiance that we bear there is wholeness, the blending as above so below in the one sphere of pure light.”

Look Within for the Wholeness of light and Oneness

"The increase now of the radiance within your emotional body during the coming cycle of the solar light within the Earth in the emotional quadrant of the year, will be such, blessed ones, that if you fully embrace that which we bear you may move out of the stream of mortality into that that you have always sought; immortality, eternal youth, joy, light. Let the Lord’s light flow in the circuit that I establish betwixt our hearts, one forever in God’s healing love.”