Missives of Mercy from My Heart #28 - Saturday, February 09, 2008
Holding the Divine Vision Is the Greatest Act of Mercy
Mercy is a master at positive reinforcement of your inner contact and contract with your Source.
Shambhala is reserved for the charitable, the merciful and the compassionate.
Mercy is a kind of divine grace that none can resist except the haughty.
Every attempt of the ego to subordinate the real within you is directly countered by the gentle reminders of Mercy.
Mercy says that Darwin got it wrong: the origin of the human species is divine.
To be merciful to others begin by valuing life within every particle and cell of your own universe.
The flowering of Mercy’s handiwork within a lost soul is beautiful and always brings tears of joy to the Divine One.
Enlightenment is carefully preceded by Mercy’s soulful ministrations.
Mercy long ago redefined sin as forgetfulness and karma as cyclic opportunity.
One of Mercy’s goals is to uproot human (t)error by sowing seeds of love-wisdom everywhere. Her twin, Justice, is her joyous and insightful reaper.
Every resident of the Holy City is greeted by Mercy’s messengers.
Mercy and forgiveness will help you rewrite your own karmic history and destiny.
Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message and to participate in the morning prayer service.
The Immaculate Concept
After the sharing of today’s Missives, David read a teaching explaining that maintaining the “immaculate concept” meant visualizing and focusing on the perfect image of a person, idea, situation or project thereby creating the atmosphere that would allow that perfection to manifest with greater ease. We create an actual energy field of purity when we are able to hold a concept of beauty and wholeness in this manner. This type of visualization and feeling is a form of “holy, unspoken prayer.”
Our highest example of one who embraces each of us as she did the Lord Jesus in this atmosphere of perpetual perfection is Mother Mary. And it is the calling of all mothers, all fathers, all teachers to practice this sacred science for the children in their care. The flowering of children occurs in this supportive atmosphere along with wise guidance and discipline.
We are reminded to first practice holding the immaculate concept for ourselves. Only then are we able to do this for others and life’s situations. This is the way to create a golden age consciousness upon earth.
Practice Conscious Cooperation with the Subtle World
After the reading, beloved Kuan Yin tells us that mercy is all about holding the divine vision and that we are to practice this science and art for portions of our day until we are able to sustain it constantly. Every situation has the perfect solution. And when we employ this “conscious cooperation with the subtle world” those solutions appear. Cultivating a childlike spirit of expectation and acting upon our true identity as co-creators with God are keys in maintaining this divine vision.