080203 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #22
Be Still! and Know Mercy Within, O People of Light
As a "lotus of mercy light," Kuan Yin extended that light to every heart today. She spoke to her aspiring devotees close at hand while she also addressed the interlopers and destroyers. She raised her hands to stay the darkness upon her children in Tibet, in China, and in Burma and in every nation where mercy has been trampled upon by the unmerciful ones. "Let mankind awaken and receive the gift of the Buddha, his lotus love, his wisdom, his heartfire." A stern warning was given to the leaders of all nations as the Lords of Karma promised a quick, personal return tenfold of the light misqualified.
She assured the children of the light that freedom will prevail in due time for those who listen to the law of love within. To those who choose to ignore the light of their very being vouchsafed to their souls in the beginning, she warned of the woes of their choices: "Thus learn the law of mercy this day and by the hands of Kuan Yin and the flow of light from my sacred vase, even the vial of mercy… ye shall know the law of your own being that comes to you as cosmic justice and mercy as one." She took her leave saying, "I am Kuan Shi Yin, Saviouress of the holy ones of mercy." And she directed the giving of the prayer 20.009, "The Days are Shortened for the Elect." Click here to listen to all of her discourse given after she shared these "Missives" of her heart for today:
Mercy’s every fragrance in some way accentuates the flowering of your heart.
Seeing the truth at the core of your soul’s inner travail, you may find the most auspicious solution for its resolution through the super-resonance of mercy.
The foundation for a world of compassion is rooted in the lotus of mercy light.
All spiritual freedom is built upon the backs of the laborers of mercy.
Let not your love affair with mercy be provisional; let it be forever.
Finding the point of stillness within your heart is continuous work. Mercy is the perfect life coach throughout this journey.
A fallow auric field may become fertile through meditation upon Mercy.
Expressing mercy is the most subtle but loving way of transmuting past karma.
Mercy softens the hearts of the contentious through a vast variety of methods though each one contains a similar scent of compassion.
Mercy distills one of the most refined and foolproof spirits of sensitivity.
Blessed are the merciful ones, for they shall receive and retain Mercy.
Daily fellowship with Mercy brings the same blessings to those serving as to those being served.