080220 Saint Germain Alchemical Elixirs #1

A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness

Saint Germain comes this morning to discourse with us on the importance of harmony as an equation which brings about balance within our life. “For on either side of the equal sign, that which rests on the scales of justice and mercy must truly be in balance.” He calls balance and harmony “the order of the day” to “bring the kingdom of heaven upon earth.”

Saint Germain and Portia come to “deliver the fire of freedom” but also call us to take responsibility for using the resources of the seventh ray for the Aquarian age culture in perfect balance.” This you may maintain through meditation upon your heart daily before you begin your day and deliver to the world the work of your heart and mind… I bring the eternal into this context through your heart emanation and manifest beingness as the principle of the law of love for all.”

Click here to access and listen to Saint Germain’s entire message and to participate in the morning rosary and prayer service.

Saint Germain’s Alchemical Elixirs

  • Every contemplative thought on God has its effects in bringing more of the love fires of Spirit into your life.

  • Replenishing your spirit daily is simply a matter of re-attuning to your Source and seeing the floodtides of divine light flowing to and through you from the Great Emanator.

  • The intensity of light within your aura is determined by the quality of your heart multiplied by your surrender to holy purpose and then times your mindfulness of the divine Spirit.