080131 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #19

I AM the Simple Joy of Loving Mercy

Beloved Kuan Yin’s gentle presence of mercy enters our hearts and souls this morning giving us an ever deeper understanding of “the stillness and the quiescence that comes when [we] are fully attuned to [our] source” as key to bringing love and mercy to mankind and this planet.

To be mercy and thus to be able to emanate mercy, we begin with silent contemplation until we make contact with the heart of God. “And then through the very portal of [our] own being one with God’s heart, [we] begin to feel an increase in the blessedness of grace that flows through this divine connection.” When we can “feel this nurturing energy welling up from within [us], flowing and sustaining a certain action of presence and inner peace,” then we can be both “the receptacle for the energies of divine mercy and a point of origin upon earth for their delivery.”

Kuan Yin affirms that “living within [our] Presence is the key to [our] divinity” as the source of mercy within us is “the very present reality of God’s eternal light.” When we can “feel, acknowledge and then blaze forth this radiance,” then the words we speak in our prayers will have the dynamic impact required “for the sustaining of the worlds.”

Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message as well as the Morning Prayer service.

Missives of Mercy from My Heart #19

  • One day the merciful will be acknowledged for their valiant stand for real love.

  • Your spiritual progress is always accelerated by a merciful attitude toward life.

  • Emanating instant forgiveness while being abused creates a secret portal to the divine world whereby you may experience compassion’s healing by devas and bodhisattvas of mercy.

  • While you observe the news engender deep feelings of mercy toward all life.

  • Once you’ve quietly filled the chalice of your heart with the oil of devotion, Mercy comes to set it ablaze with her gentle sparks of kindness.

  • Heartlessness is simply ignorance of one’s inner mercy child.

  • The most profound healings in some way always involve the soulful ministrations of mercy.

  • Every inner acceptance of mercy allows the divine light a greater vessel through which to glow within you.

  • The value of Mercy’s beatitudes cannot be overestimated or overstated.

  • In past golden ages, those who ruled were chosen because of their inner wisdom, born of their merciful hearts.

  • Silence the tempestuous through a steady stream of mercy light.

  • The fragrance of mercy may always be yours if you choose the avenue of love over the road of resistance.