080201 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #20
Missives of Mercy from My Heart #20
arenting is one of the greatest opportunities to express mercy unto souls with whom you often have the greatest personal karma. Serving them with compassion day after day, mercy is consciously passed forward to the next generation.
Finding your inner source of joy lays a foundation for Mercy to be yours forever.
The merciful ones exhibit selfless grace through their every thought, feeling, word and action—all of which are part of her vast new movement toward global peace.
To fully behold and uphold mercy within brings the beginnings of radical forgive-ness into play, which when fulfilled will manifest in planetary transformation.
All of nature is sentient and thus feels the emotions and thoughts of mankind. Be merciful to nature and nature will bow to the light within you.
From a point of presence within the heart of Mercy, emanate respect for everyone’s freedom to be who they are without the illicit complications of your limited human opinions or feelings.
Mercy is the active joy of love, which ministers to the lowly and forgotten ones.
It takes greater mastery to conquer by mercy than by might.
Reflecting upon the wonderment, innocence and purity of newborn babies, you enter the living presence of nascent Mercy.
Being merciful ultimately brings you greater good fortune and untold blessings.
The Creator’s awareness of mercy may become yours through conscious cooperation with the bodhisattvas of the Spirit.
Mercy’s profound sense of responsibility to serve until freedom from want is firmly implanted in the soul and across the Earth has won her the acclaim of the highest Virtues in heaven.
Awaken Each Morning with Expectant Joy!
After reading her missives, beloved Kuan Yin inspired us today regarding our early mornings, asking if we arise with a perception of the new world that awaits us. She then suggested that we may emanate light to all “in the expectant joy of being a vessel of mercy to a planet.” Kuan Yin said that as we exercise mercy’s forgiveness to transmute past hurt and “ungraciousness toward God and one another,” we are lifted ever higher. “In joy, sing of mercy’s light each morn” when you arise to greet the dawn. “In love, emanate mercy’s radiance with something new to offer to the creator, to your Higher Self, and to the light within every son and daughter of God.”
Then Kuan Yin gave inspiration for our meditations, suggesting we see “radiance of mercy impressing itself through every photonic particle of light” and “vast currents of streams of light” blessing all sentient life. “See the ladies of mercy augmenting, embellishing, and transferring that mercy light to one and all.” From her Temple of Mercy, Kuan Yin sends ‘missives and missiles’ of joy and mercy to all who call to her.
Kuan Yin suggested, “Let radical forgiveness be your byword,” asking us to forgive ourselves and all others. And as she finished her message of mercy, she said again to each of us “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message.