080216 Nada

Service to Life in Practical Ways is Key

Emanating the fragrance of love from her heart, Beloved Nada increased the love fires of transmutation to assist “those who are even now awakening to their own Buddha nature.” She comes speaking to the hearts of children, and also asks us to inspire the natural curiosity of children by providing “through art and music and even science that which will speak to their hearts and enfold naturally unto them both the ancient wisdom of the masters of truth and of the current technologies that may bring that truth into a new form of reality for them to understand.”

As Nada reminds us of the many seemingly forgotten children, she asks us to pray for those within the gangs and “for those who are the lost ones, who have no where to turn.” She tells us to “show them how to turn inward, how to raise up their hearts and their minds for greater understanding and connectivity to their own Higher Self.”

Nada also tells us that even the seemingly menial tasks such as washing dishes, cleaning our homes, attending to the needs of our families and children when done “with presence and joy and great love” are part of our spiritual path, and there God will be emanating through our heart, our hands and our mind one with the divine.

We can all follow the example of Beloved Nada, as she concludes her message today, to “serve ever to set life free” and to “love all.”