080212 Kuan Yin Missives of Mercy #31
Grace Is to the West What Mercy Is to the East
Beloved Kuan Yin began this morning with a most wonderful discourse in answer to a heartfriend’s question on the difference between grace and mercy. “Grace is the beneficence of God’s spirit uncolored in its divine radiance. It simply is the very essence of His being which flows through the prism of the Christ to all. Mercy is grace, manifest and colored with the hue of violet pink joy, which is given for the specific purpose of blessing the soul towards its acceptance through forgiveness of divine grace. “
She said that, “Mercy is the means whereby God consoles those who have been oppressed through their own lack of God self awareness. . .” And that since Grace and Mercy augment each other’s work as feminine blessings, we may desire to say as the “Hail Mary,” “Hail Kuan Yin, full of Mercy, the Mother Light is with thee.”
Kuan Yin then gave this description of grace and mercy, “The manifestation of Grace descends as a spiritual “powdered sugar substance” whereas Mercy, whose crystalline manifestation is ensconced in violet pink radiance, may be ingested as an elixir of soul-freedom. . . .They are as entwining vines rising up the trellis in the caduceus action, veritably they are the Mother’s outpicturing of holy love for you which comes as a hush, as an inner knowing, as a bestowal of wonderment in the now.”
Click here to access and listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message and the Morning Rosary service.
Missives of Mercy from My Heart #31
Mercy is the dew the earth offers the feet of playful children who arise early to greet the dawn with joyful expectation of today’s miracles.
Although some think Mercy a fanciful maiden, she in fact brings the greatest divine fantasies into play in the present through her divine magic.
Mercy finds the highest good within your problems and then radiates so much love into it that she illumines it for your soul to take notice. She then continues to hold the highest hope that you will choose to follow the light.
Mercy models the bodhisattva way with great grace and beauty.
Those who make mercy a priority in their life will always find a way to share the beneficent gifts that she bestows.
Mercy is the essence of each flowering plant, the presence of peace of each gentle elemental, the quiet radiance of each soul who has found her purpose.
Every attitude of gratitude draws the harmonious strains of Mercy’s symphony closer to your ears and deeper to your heart.
Mercy smilingly condones every bold act of loving kindness, every determined means of manifesting charity on behalf of the humble and needy.
Once you have embraced the bodhisattva way, you will feel and know each moment as an opportunity to extend the grace of Mercy’s love to all life.
Mercy patiently waits for you to awaken to your Buddha nature.
Let your soul be a nurturing friend to and a playful field for all God’s children.
Mercy’s enigmatic adventures into the psyche of each evolving soul and her daring advances to inculcate peace into the hearts of mankind would fill volumes.